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Tell us how we can improve AOL. The more specific your feedback, the more useful for us. While we can’t respond to every suggestion, we review regularly and take them very seriously.
10775 results found
Look At What AOL "Used" To Be For The Answer
When created, AOL epitomized World Class Quality. Now, sadly, it is a (poor) mouthpiece for the Democratic party. That truly is a shame. You do yourself - and all we long-term, loyal AOL users - a disservice. You were, and now should be, much better.
4191st ranked -
Look At What AOL "Used" To Be For The Answer
When created, AOL epitomized World Class Quality. Now, sadly, it is a (poor) mouthpiece for the Democratic party. That truly is a shame. You do yourself - and all we long-term, loyal AOL users - a disservice. You were, and now should be, much better.
4191st ranked -
Stop putting "a." before the articles in your URLs!
This is the third time recently where I've clicked on an AOL article that had "" in the URL, preventing me from accessing the actual article. Honest to Paws doesn't have an A in its .com URL.
4191st ranked -
Stop the hackers from your games, especially Omaha pot limit. Here's a hacker's ID who was playing today: GUESTZKHrcri at 11;30 a.m. CA
4191st ranked -
************* THE CALLERS THE SENDER ************* CHINA
************* THE CALLERS THE SENDER ************* CHINA m Mr.Leo Godson Dr. John Williams
I wish to inform you that your overdue payment worth of 'Two Million USD' has been scheduled to pay you through a certified Card which you will be only required to proceed to any Cash Point to withdraw Five Thousand USD, twice per day till your fund is completed. Meanwhile, the valid CARD was registered with DHL Courier Company as a packaged. All you need to do now is to write them on their information below with your name & delivery address for the immediate…
4191st ranked -
All the questions have the answers already filled in. What's that about?
All the questions have the answers already filled in. What's that about?
4191st ranked -
stop with the trump advertising on your news pages ... you are endorsing one candidate over the other and that isn't right. and not fair
stop with the donald trump advertising .... it is not fair nor is it right that you are doing political advertising for one candidate over the other .... it is equivalent to endorsing donald trump over joe biden. I pay for your services not your propaganda and political selections .... and your news pages are repeated time and time again .... consider dropping the whole news section if you continue with your trumpism
4191st ranked -
poker no limit have to people steve and mavick that stay on chat and no one can chat also whats with ooooo there is about 10 ids that are
need to get ignore button back no limit poker 2 guys steve an mavick nobody cam chat plus about 10 ids with ooooo help and the n works is used so much they leave out the i go u let it pass
4191st ranked -
my posted words are getting replies, you accept them and show them, but will not answer
Your control of messaging is mixed up, you allow me to post, and do not let me answer comments you printed, and posted?????? My last posting:
The reopening and increased testing was expected to increase reports of active cases. Has Testing increased, with active cases increasing more???? Does someone know????4191st ranked -
Your tech support is garbage.
My emails from 2020 disappeared from my 'old email' folder. Based on other internet postings, AOL obviously has a problem with its servers and the only way to get AOL to resolve their problem is to pay AOL for tech support! That is the symptomatic of an arrogant company on its way out of business.
4191st ranked -
GREG 108.9K Points 10 hours ago harry = LIAR! sent to You need to fix this.
"Harry wrote a post, Greg answered it, and called him a liar, You sent it to me saying it was a comment to me, You accepted the post, and blamed it on me. Please stop that.
4191st ranked -
Get rid of masque
Masque ruined your gin rummy game
4191st ranked -
I posted, and am looking for accurate counts that I cannot find on Johns Hopkins email is What is wrong?
want to understand Johns Hopkins chart. asked for help, and my post is rejected.
4191st ranked -
How about publishing the local news for the Tallahassee, FL region? It has not been seen for over 2 months. The weather is always present
Publish the Tallahassee FL regional news.
4191st ranked -
Typo on Donald Trump's PESONAL banker. Needs an "R" makes AOL news feed look bad
4191st ranked -
4191st ranked
4191st ranked
Fix that Verizon Ad. Make it more to scale.
Make that Verizon ad more to scale. The girl is too close for comfort. Covid 19. Distance. Too big.
4191st ranked -
4191st ranked
The Headlines are running way too fast. It keeps going to the next one before one can even read the first one.
Slow it Down....
4191st ranked
- Don't see your idea?