Who Believes Whom
Out in the real world, it's YOU and your leftist buddies in the media and politics that WE don't believe. WE read science every day that YOU completely ignore about the virus. YOU, however, cherry pick, under-report, delete, or just plain LIE about the real news. WE can tell by your "Get Trump" headlines and stories hourly/daily. YOU can quote any statistics YOU want to, like the polls that had hillary winning up until 9PM on election night! Even Osama thought Biden was feckless! I'm going to gloat on election night and say "I told you so"! And YOU know it!

Paul Loucks commented
Out in the real world? There were no weapons of mass destruction. GW never bothered to catch Bin Laden. He just wanted Afghanistan for the oil companies. In the real world trickle down causes massive deficits that inflat the dollar and cause "trickle up". Wages and pensions are what become worthless. In the real world banks created derivatives, allowing them to increase debt by 20 times and, since GW never regulated that he crashed the economy. In the real world the liberals have no power and no media to speak of. Since Clinton's 2nd term Republicans have obstructed everything. Liberals had a short window of a few months to pass Obamacare and then lost the senate, allowing McConnell to obstruct ev erything. All thoise things you talk of are Fox and Republican tactics. I watched the impeachment live on CNN. Fox? Their line was the party line and nothing else. Everything they said started with, "Republicans said..." and all Republicans said was they wanted a higher standard of proof than a murdewr trial requiress.