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2386 results found
What happened to the news? I have no more local news, local for Fairfield County CT. Financial news headlines are a week old. Why?
The headlines (stories) are old or not changed at all from day to day. No more local news for Fairfield Cty, CT, Latest headlines from Daily News are cut short unless you subscribe to the Daily News Aol Financial news is days if not weeks old. What has happened and why was it changed?
647th ranked -
Drop the fake news
All of a sudden the National Anthem is ok to the Woke Culture? Stop with the fake news. Joe Biden is a criminal used his office as VP to bribe Ukraine to fire the prosecutor that would have nailed Hunter
2331st ranked -
Not able to make comments on News articles
Not able to make comments on News articles, they keep getting rejected and I'm putting the same comments in as others are.
2331st ranked -
Police right wing comments for outright lies
We saw what those lies led to on 1/6/21, yet AOL continued to not only permit them, but to ban people who questioned them. I will be cancelling my FIOS as a result
4175th ranked -
1493rd ranked -
Stop one way Trump bull.
One way AOL BULL. Against Trump. I think AOL gets a kick out of always saying bad things about Trump all the time.
307th ranked -
Horrible journalist at AOL. I won't stay with aol forever. Can't stand the bias in their skewed news stories.
Hire and allow your journalist to educate themselves on everything happening with each situation. Then report fair and honest information on all situations. Not just the disgusting biased brain warped articles that you currently post. You have no idea how dumb you look to MOST Americans.
530th ranked -
Please just report the news and stop throwing in adjectives to the left are rigt "JUST REPORT THE NEWS"
Just report the news.
647th ranked -
Democrat Idiots
AOL-Get your head out of the Democrat's rear end NOW
530th ranked -
Become apolitical - be objective in covering current events, unbiased.
It is disheartening to see your blatantly biased reporting of current events. Try to become unbiased - here's an idea - hire real journalists if your are going to report current events and news. Also, change the editorial staff to people who know how to report news, not opinion in every piece.
340th ranked -
Boy you hate Trump, stop the ads
Stop with the Old Trump news, Now its Biden
4175th ranked -
just present the facts. We Americans have no interest in AOL'S personal opinions. fire anybody on your staff that is prejudiced.
Do the right thing and keep prejudice out of your company by firing any and all who exhibit any hatred for anything.
Just report the honest facts and don't jump to conclusions without doing research on your subject.4175th ranked -
fake news posts
quit putting fake stories out there.
don't you blouse wearing poodle walkers check anything?647th ranked -
Quit being blatantly left wing
Your "news" reports are written left wing hacks. "Baseless claims of voter fraud"?? Please we shall see. There are many irregularities in the vote tabulations. AOL expects us to believe that creepy sleepy Joe who rarely came out of his basement, and who could hardly form a coherent sentence could win so many states with so little enthusiasm?
1079th ranked -
California Democrats
Why doesn't AOL and the media run down Biden for picking out a NON MEDICAL person to head the HHS--America's Health headquarters. The man that Biden picked is just a loyal Democrat with NO qualifications for the job. Also, California is suffering record number of infections even though it is TOTALLY run by Democrats for years. Wake up America
1493rd ranked -
By reporting real news
Why wasn't the death of a 5 yr. old white boy shot point blank in the head by a black MAN in N.Carolina while riding a bike with his 2 sisters ever reported on aol. It should have been front page news. aol never mentioned it.
439th ranked -
Get rid of the liberal lies from the HufflePuff fake news media
AOL/HuffPuff couldn't print an honest news story to save their lives. It's beyond obvious that they represent the hard left and won't print the truth if it clashes with their liberal beliefs. I use AOL just for my e-mail, but I'm assaulted with leftist bile every time I see their splash screen. I guess the children have taken over the company from the adults.
230th ranked -
what keeps happening to the comments after a topic--I was on one site and was able to comment --came back to it--and they're all gone.
See above--and fix it.
4175th ranked -
Member news comments
Paying members should be allowed to respond and place comments to AOL news articles and responses and get censored/blocked..
4175th ranked -
4175th ranked
- Don't see your idea?