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10784 results found

  1. go out of business .you lean so far left your laying on the floor

    let people speak. stop putting gags on everything that you personally don't like and then go out of business because you've been deemed OBSOLTE !!!!

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  2. Get rid of all the spam comments and bullying comments by "Steve"

    Steve is stopping regular chat. You need to ban him from slots and poker as he is taking over chat in several rooms.

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  3. stop blocking opinions that you dont agree with

    You clowns kill the first amendment by limiting conversation on articles you post. classic. Us with our second amendment rights will be coming for you. Soon

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  4. 4191st ranked

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  5. 4191st ranked

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  6. 4191st ranked

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  7. ...Your Backgammon Game is CROOKED,...Players with Cheating Devices,...Computer that Cheats,...a Fair Player has NO Chance on this Site to p

    ..Backgammon Game is Cheaters Oasis,...and Computer Cheats too,...a FAIRn Player has NO Chance on this Site,...and the Foul Language on CHAT makes me wanna slap the **** outta these Players who get away with Cheating Devices,...and Harrassment of other Players...SHAME ON AOL for Supporting such....

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  8. You rejected salvation.

    DAY 4 -- and you're still rejecting my posts ....... without even telling me why.

    Please stop.

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  9. You rejected G O D.

    Please stop rejecting my posts -- which don't violate your guidelines.

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  10. You rejected JESUS.

    Please stop rejecting my posts that don't violate your rules.

    Please notify me as to why you reject ALL of my posts.

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  11. You've rejected Salvation.

    Please stop rejecting my comments which DON'T violate your rules.

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  12. Fake news now fake email lol

    With did you do to the email?!?... It's not even readable now. You can't do anything with the email service. This has turned into a huge waste of time. I don't even want to look at Aol. Change back the email the way it was and leave it alone. At least you could use it before. If you don't change it back you can kiss all of your subscribers and advertisers goodbye for good. There will be no going back to Aol if this is not fixed really soon. You trucked this one up royally & that's being nice about…

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  13. statement

    Why don't your news put anything on about Biden's corruption
    deals his son Hunter? Only slamming Trump that is all you have ever
    done for over 4 years!!!!!!!

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  14. 1500th ranked

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  15. 1500th ranked

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  16. AOL really sucks how they always beat up on Trump. Front page every day. There is plenty to say about Biden and Co. too.

    Anything bad to say about Biden these days? Keep looking AOL and keep your front page equal.

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  17. There's solmething wrong with your Logins to AOL......!!??

    There's something wrong with your Logins........I get
    "Oops something is wrong...Start Over.......!?" If I do a Back
    then I get "Timed!?"

    But if I close the Tab and then go back to AOL.......then I am signed in without starting over.........!!??

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  18. This is my first submittal to improve AOL. Looks like the ranked comments below already cover my feedback. Stop being Left and Biased

    My feedback is for every topic listed on the dropdown...Stop being Left and Liberal with your news and views...Post more positive in support of President Trump please! Many voters want their internet providers to share what they view as "positives" for them. Looking forward to you altering your biased communications and sharing more positive feedback on behalf of many of your subscribers...the American Voters.

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  19. Write more fact-filled articles and quit being so one-sided liberal.

    Almost every article is something negative about Pres. Trump, and yet, you NEVER write ANYTHING negative about BIden or Harris. And, your reporters are sad excuses for journalists. Their grammar is awful, and their reports are full of inaccuracies. For example, one article the other day showed Gov. Cuomo of NY as a Republican. No, thanks, you liberal Democrats can keep him. In addition, you should read the comments after these negative Trump stories. You might learn something.

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  20. 2341st ranked

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