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Tell us how we can improve AOL. The more specific your feedback, the more useful for us. While we can’t respond to every suggestion, we review regularly and take them very seriously.
10737 results found
WHY is there no appeal process for rejecting commentary after some organize together to have a contradictory point of view expressed?
There are those who actively attempt to suppress the free expression of opposing points of view. They contact each other and organize to object to EVERY commentary of someone they disagree with. AOL apparently takes their objections without review and then AUTOMATICALLY rejects every commentary from that member simply because of the number of objections or reporting. I can see rejections WITH specific violations of the rules BUT not because some weak minded activists can't simply respond to that which they politically or socially disagree. Meanwhile, those are simply ignored continue to appear regularly in posts that are beyond offensive…
4175th ranked -
Get rid of the RED/WHITE AND BLACK's Nazi like...yikes!!!
The RED/WHITE and BLACK AOL LOGO HAS TO GO. It's Nazi like...
4175th ranked -
Try to accept conservative opinions as well as liberal ones.
Try to accept conservative opinions as well as liberal ones.
1079th ranked -
383rd ranked
GEt rid of smart asset ads or allow feedback
Get rid of smart asset ads. They are stupid.
808th ranked -
Change back!
I detest the new AOL! My screen is split so I can only see half of each screen which requires a lot of maneuvering to read an entire article. This is more than annoying. My granddaughter says no one uses AOL anymore, and now I know why. I'm considering changing my account, but what a pita that would be!!!
2331st ranked -
AOL CEnsorship!
I think it is time for AOL to stop having a "Conversations" section all together. They are infringing on our first amendment rights. If we can't post our honest opinion, they there shouldn't be a place for us to post our views.
4175th ranked -
Well it only took you Nazis ten seconds to read my name. You might have even read the post, because it only said "Proof?". I was replying to a post from someone so full of hate he is delusional, but of course since he is a Trumpy, you would never think of blocking him.
4175th ranked -
Put you "Conversations" section on EVERY article!
Once again AOL has refused to have a conversations section on new about Ukraine. Seems AOL supports Russia. This is sickening.
4175th ranked -
How do you consider yourself a "news" source when are not informing the people.?
If you care about THE PEOPLE you would present news about what's going on now. EVERY DAY ITS TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP... Guess what Biden is the president. What is happening now to Americans is under Biden and the Democrats watch. When people are now paying $6 a gallion for gas and twice that amount for food I guess you let them remember the good old days of Trump when they were paying a fraction of that. Its clear to anyone who isn't blind and deaf.
647th ranked -
Please create a way to change the font color from grey to black. It is hard to read gray fonts on a white background.fon
Provide a way to change the color of the font from gray to black. It is hard to read a gray font on a white background.
4175th ranked -
1493rd ranked -
I want to go back to my original AOL. Program!!! How do I do it.?????
The new format of AOL Is too busy!!!!
How can I go back to previous homepage!!!!2331st ranked -
AOL, can you add a separate POLITICS category to your menu selection, pretty please?
Add a new category in the menu lineup just for Politics.
4175th ranked -
So I guess we'll be allowed to comment after the mid-terms?
AOL= Antifa On Line. Just seems more fitting....
4175th ranked -
Comment section
Why is there no comment section on the article Trump 12 page response to the Jan 6 hearing?
2331st ranked -
Kindly add sound notification for the new aol mail
Kindly add sound notification for the new aol mail
2331st ranked -
Stop with the liberal-leaning, anti-Trump fake news.
I don't read your news stories. The phony liberal headlines tell all. STOP with this garbage. Improve AOL by cleaning up your news feed.
808th ranked -
be impartial
Could you possibly try to be impartial instead of leaning so far Left ?
Being a liberal does not make you better , it just means your gullible.4175th ranked -
It would be nice to voice my opinion on AOL
Allow opinions that don't align with AOL's liberal ideas.
4175th ranked
- Don't see your idea?