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Tell us how we can improve AOL. The more specific your feedback, the more useful for us. While we can’t respond to every suggestion, we review regularly and take them very seriously.
10830 results found
fake news
Everything you post is lies. Fake news about President Trump fake news about the vaccine fake news about Covid. People 80+ million are not stupid. Why don't you post the current state of our country? Going into war with Russia, inflation, poverty, homelessness, drug use, high taxes and our missing White House administration.
1505th ranked -
4204th ranked
Your email service sucks
the new AOL mail keeps putting senders in the spam folder even though I said this sender is NOT spam. Another great mistake by AOL
2345th ranked -
4204th ranked
4204th ranked
Unfortunately AOL seems to not publish disturbing details of the left wing and Democrat Socialist Communist Party headed by Biden
We need more balanced coverage: today you are highlighting the rhetoric of the GOP what about the hate rhetoric of the Democrat Party There is plenty of that and it is overlooked and given minimal coverage. The problem is mainstream media saturation of their woke mentality which instead of calling out the lies of the left instead it seeks to embellish what they do and nothing more. Kinzinger, who is a turncoat has used harsh rhetoric with his sidekick Chaney what about that and what about the incitement to riot of Maxine Waters, Schiff and Schumer who threatened the Supreme…
4204th ranked -
E-mail ad
The add in the e-mail header is irritating. Ads do not need to be EVERYWHERE.
440th ranked -
Terminate all your liberal employees
Allow EVERYONE to express their opinions and not just the opinions that align with your liberal and hateful views.
4204th ranked -
4204th ranked
Stop autoplaying videos
Stop wasting my laptop energy and energy in general by pushing useless ********* videos.
2345th ranked -
your spam filter is a piece of ****
redesign it. It lets obvious spam thru all the time even after a prior similar message has been coded spam.
It's a useless piece of ****
2345th ranked -
I have been with you a long, long time. I want and need you to stop siding with one political side over the other. I pay for this account.
I have been with you a long, long time. I want and need you to stop siding with one political side over the other. I pay for this account. It is getting to the point where I may have to close my account due to this situation. Be fair!
2345th ranked -
2345th ranked -
Stop censoring normal, uninsulting language. Any word in the dictionary should be allowed.You censor regular debate and you need to stop -
Stop censoring normal, debating language and words. What the heck is wrong with you people? What kind of fear drives this violation of peoples' rights? It seems as if a simple word, found in the English dictionary can cause great offense to YOU. No one else seems to be bothered and, if they are, they can SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES!! They don't need YOU and your fools to be their nannies.
2345th ranked -
AOL is not doing itself any favors by censoring comments. It was a great News source at one time. It needs to be resurrected !
2345th ranked -
I have made comments many times, and now i find myself unable to make a comment on an issue. Is this ban temporary.What i have commented on
Let a person know if they were banned from making a comment. Not sure if its temporary or permanent
2345th ranked -
Require your censors to have beyond an eighth grade education plus an understanding of English.
Require your censors to have beyond an eighth grade education plus an understanding of English.
10589th ranked -
Stop trying to verify my account and locking me out for days!!!! I have nothing to protect, it's email
Stop trying to verify my account and locking me out for days!!!! I have nothing to protect, it's email and when I travel I may not have my phone and I can't get my email if you lock me out! STOP THE INSANITY
4204th ranked -
I don't give a flying s..t about your stupid a.. stories or news anymore!!!!!
I don't give a flying s..t about your stupid a.. stories or news anymore!!!!!
10589th ranked -
There is a lack of intelligent comments on any of the articles. I think you should get rid of them all. They serve no purpose.
The comments are not worth reading. I can remember when people had something intelligent to post. Those days are gone. Mostly, it is a bunch of men acting like little boys on the playground, bullying others. Some post the same thing over and over for the same article. Most of the people that have been posting in the last year need therapy, not a sound board. I will not be reading any more of your comments section.
4204th ranked
- Don't see your idea?