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Tell us how we can improve AOL. The more specific your feedback, the more useful for us. While we can’t respond to every suggestion, we review regularly and take them very seriously.
10830 results found
Oh. I see. Now my viewing is limited to THREE of the current posts on a given topic.
Not only am I denied my Constitutional right re the 2nd amendment, I can no longer view the posts of others? You people are really sick. Please go back to the communistic country from whence you sprung. Geesh.
4204th ranked -
Stop your anti- Trump ****.
AOL we are sick and tired of all of this anti Trump news. You are NOT American PERIOD.
1086th ranked -
Adjust the comment settings. Many comments are being duplicated or replicated automatically and it's annoying.
Adjust your comment settings. Many users, including my comments are being duplicated or replicated automatically and it's annoying to us.
4204th ranked -
hello I tried to respond to an article, I wrote WORD it censored me I'm censored what's going on here
4204th ranked -
Why is this a story
Why does black moms have anything to do with Rittenhouse. INSANITY
4204th ranked -
1505th ranked -
I am not able to have a chat while playing a game, getting an error "can't chat because you have been muted"
I am not able to chat while playing a game
2345th ranked -
Bring back the old format for FreeCell.
You need to bring back the old FreeCell format. The new one is horrible.
90th ranked -
Stop promoting or accepting advertising from companies with labor issues and indiscretions
It is unethical and poor form to promote or accept advertising from companies that manufacture their products in third world countries that do not pay proper wages and have unsafe work conditions!
4204th ranked -
How can I stop the fake e-mails I constantly receive claiming my AOL mail accounts have been shut down, cancelled, etc. Who are these people
Fake e-mails are worse than fake news. Fake e-mails are designed to steal from your clients. What actions is AOL taking to make these e-mails, which claim my AOL mail has been cancelled, eliminated, etc?
4204th ranked -
4204th ranked
fix aol
Fix AOL it sucks!!!!! I AM SIGNED IN !!!!!!!!!!
2345th ranked -
Quit sending me Quicken ads several times a day
I get Quicken Ads several times a day on my iPhone. But thankfully not on my computer. When I delete, you ask for feedback. I keep responding they are not relevent. Or go to"other" and say they are repetitive. The only loan I have is a mortgage. Would never go to a finance company for loans. I keep asking you to block. Why do you ask for feedback? And then never do anything about it.
4204th ranked -
why can't I review my replies? The bell rarely appears and when selected, my comment is shown but not the reply?
Since the AOL comment format has changed, I rarely am able to access the comments.The bell rarely appears and though I have numerous replies, I'm only allowed 1 review, which isn't even a review, it's a return to my comment and nothing else more. Going back to the articles and the bell disappears completely.
4204th ranked -
Joe Biden
President Joe Biden
If anyone watched Joe Biden on Wednesday night on CNN they should be very concerned. His speech was all over the place, he has problems completing a sentence. And if you watched he closes his eyes when he gets confused.AOL needs to report on his shortcomings. But, yet they do not!
655th ranked -
AOL hates America
AOL hates America and how we got to be who we are...SO....I hate AOL for being a ******** communist **********.
4204th ranked -
Why is it that every few weeks, I'm blocked from reading replies to my comments by ommitting the "bell"?
Every few weeks, something prevents me from reading replies to my comments? ie; The little bell disappears, if the bell is there it only returns to the article's title not the comment or its reply; or I'm blocked for content even though there's no vulgarity, no call for violence or if I refer to an article from another news source as a basis for my comment. .
4204th ranked -
AOL moved personal mail to spam despite person being in my directory
Despite my friend clearly being in my directory, AOL put about 10 days of his email into the spam folder. The big question is how or why did this happen? However, lacking a spam counter caused me to ignore the situation until he called me and asked why i had not responded.
4204th ranked -
i need a way to download secure url - browser rejects mine
please develop a link to a secure login for secure - my computer rejects all urls I use
2345th ranked -
AOL puts out lies and distorts the facts. AOL is nothing more than a Republican and Trump hate machine. One cannot believe one word they put out.
1505th ranked
- Don't see your idea?