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  2. 4204th ranked

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  3. BLOCK Anoying Add Banners on your site

    I am getting an anoying ADD from TYINYO wireless headphones as a banner in the middle of my monitor right at eyesite and it prevents me from seeing my screen. I have tried to click on it to get it to go away, but no luck. It is extremely anoying and I would like it gone. Is there anything AOL can do to BLOCK this type of un-wanted marketing?

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  4. You could start by getting rid of all this spam. I never got any until this past year. Also you need to make it easier to block .

    You could start by getting rid of all this spam. I never got any until this past year. Also, you need to make it easier to block these spammers. I'm just about ready to eliminate AOL as my main email. DO SOMETHING!!!

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  5. point counter point . you display a bias in your articles and no rebuttal opportunity

    Mr. Clark is not telling the whole story. he doesn't mention that Trump offer the DC Mayor National Guard Troops and she turned him down. Nancy Pelosi and the House are responsible for protecting the House and she fell short. If the FBI detected before hand there maybe trouble they did nothing. Therefore the Mayor, Nancy and the FBI should be named in the Law suit. And you wonder why there is such a division in this country. You and the rest of the media are also responsible.

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  6. Stop giving the con man the attention he craves

    Trump supporters are well aware of the fact that he's a pathological liar, con man and fraud. They are driven by fear of things they don't understand. If the media would stop giving him air time maybe he'll just disappear. He's a danger not only to democracy, but to the very people who support him only they won't get it until it's too late.

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  7. Disgusting left commie media!

    Disgusting left-commie media!

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  8. Why are my comments being blocked. I haven't got any notification I have being blocked or that I did anything wrong. I WANT AN ANSWER

    Why are my comments being blocked. I haven't got any notification I have being blocked or that I did anything wrong. I WANT AN ANSWER


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  9. False news

    AOL "news" gets more embarrassing and comical every day. One sided libs trying their best to misinform anyone who will read their garbage posts.

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  10. Censorship

    I censors. I'm back again. As a Viet Nam War Veteran, I tried to post my ideas on the fall of Afghanistan. I used no profanity. I attacked no one. I just stated my opinion. You blocked it as soon as you saw my handle without even reading it. I don't know if you are Nazis (when I post something critical of your Orange God and his wacky followers) or Commies (I tried to post something critical of Communism today) but you certainly do not act like Americans. Perhaps I'll try to post something tomorrow which you will block and…

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  11. 4204th ranked

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  12. Stop showing me this B.S. Leftist news every time I log onto aol.

    This platform is obviously run by democrats by the BIASED news your show me every time I log on. STOP IT. AOL is beginning to **** ME OFF everyday.

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  13. What the F is wrong with AOL letting ads cover over what we want to read. Bad AOL

    The Discover ad is covering the main top information and I don't know how to get rid of the Mother&%$%*. I have to move over to MSN to get my news. I'll return after AOL fixes it. Bye Bye AOL

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  14. 4204th ranked

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  15. Stop messing with commenters cursors!

    If I or others comment and it does not agree with you, the cursor starts getting moved to the top of the page being typed. I never use threats, or vulgarity, but it's done many times. It never happens anywhere else I comment to, only AOL. My computer tech said it's AOL as my computer checks out, stop it already!

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  16. 2345th ranked

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  17. 10589th ranked

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  18. "lets go Brando"

    I love this cry because our country is going to **** and the media simply will not report it except FOX. AOL is a far left web site shown here where they shifted comments to this new system that is in LIMBO. No longer are you allowed to comment on one or many of their far left garbage.
    Now we have to write here were no one will see it. Another example of AOL's attempt to silence the people. I will stop my membership however this site is necessary for my business. I retire soon from the business and AOL's…

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  19. Stop with your liberal fake news

    Just report the news without bias

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  20. Your DOUBLE BS AOL!!! Your answer is here below;

    158.3K Points
    22 September, 2021

    Polls can be manipulated just like statistics. Who you ask, how the question is worded and the interpretation of the answer. And political affiliation of the poll taker is the big one as 2016 proved beyond any doubt.




    134.8K Points
    2 days ago

    Replying to TIRED OLD MAN
    The only reason AOL and Yahoo are running this story is to offset reality that Joe's approval ratings are in free fall. New Gallop poll out today show he's lost support amount independent voters. So that will manufacturer some polls…

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