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10791 results found
4192nd ranked
RON 8.9K Points 4 hours ago This was immediately blocked in response to someone basically claiming to not upset the boat with opinions diff
8.9K Points
4 hours agoThis was immediately blocked in response to someone basically claiming to not upset the boat with opinions differing from the norm - this was the entire post:
You need to take a hard look at our Country's history. Guess Rosa Parks should have just kept quiet in the back of the bus.
This is AOL at its finest. Evidently they oppose Civil Rights and all the gains made. Someone from AOL want to take a shot at redeeming yourselves or are you finally coming out as part of the ***?
Reply10552nd ranked -
LARRYR 14.2K Points 10 hours ago Libs, please understand that your dems always pack a lot of other nonsense into their bills. Of course t
14.2K Points
10 hours agoLibs, please understand that your dems always pack a lot of other nonsense into their bills. Of course they only talk about the one item that Americans care about and of course the MSM won't tell you including AOL!!!!!
Reply10552nd ranked -
LARRYR 14.2K Points 10 hours ago Libs, please understand that your dems always pack a lot of other nonsense into their bills. Of course t
14.2K Points
10 hours agoLibs, please understand that your dems always pack a lot of other nonsense into their bills. Of course they only talk about the one item that Americans care about and of course the MSM won't tell you including AOL!!!!!
Reply4192nd ranked -
4192nd ranked
AOL is now 100% left wing propaganda. A US Presidential election has been stolen. We are no longer a democracy.
AOL is now 100% left wing propaganda. A US Presidential election has been stolen. We are no longer a democracy.
2341st ranked -
1500th ranked
i posted Trump 2020 and aol rejected my comment
fire the aholes in charge of post blocking republican's
1500th ranked -
stop these stupid stories that you have to keep clicking next page, dont have all day to do this, get to the point of the story or forget it
get to the story in 3 or 4 pages, not 20
1500th ranked -
1500th ranked
Get rid of Huffington Post
get rid of the Huffington Post. Even Liberals can agree they distort the truth. Please offer another substitute or get rid of them. They do not tell the truth and try to put their bias. Just report what is occuring.
279th ranked -
Stop censoring post that meet your guidlines.
Had a post rejected that did NOT contain any:Spam
Insults, profanity, incoherent, obscene or inflammatory language and threats of any kind
Attacks on the identity of other commenters or the article’s author340th ranked -
you are so liberal that I only use AOL for my junk mail. If you became balanced I would look at coming back.
become balanced news. How about senate findings on Bidens abuse of office in getting his son money from china and ukrane.
1082nd ranked -
Stop your liberal bias. Everyone news item you post is a vile and untruthful verbal attack against the Republicans and President Trump.
Why not suppress your hatred against the majority of the United States population who believe in God, who are pro-life, who follow the rule of law and believe in the Constitution of the United States. If thousands of people wish to come to America why is the Huffington Post and AOL tearing down the American way of life and its foundation of capitalism. Every country has a past that is imperfect; America has attempted to overcome its imperfections. Stop crushing its good points. You would not be allowed to do so in any other place in the world. Tell the…
1082nd ranked -
Stop your political BS!! Your worse than CNN.. you really don't want to improve or you would be reading all these texts!!! Wonder why no one wants an AOL acct anymore.
1082nd ranked -
I'm done with your biased reporting
I have reached my limit on your slanted, manipulated presentation of the news. Practically daily I find some biased or untruthful comment from you, the latest - and last - being today. Subtle manipulation of the facts by you and other media outlets is disgusting. All I ask is a truthful presentation of facts - I believe it’s called unbiased reporting. Following are your version of the Business Insider article, the President’s tweet, and then the actual article (as far as I can tell, I am only copying what was posted online):
From AOL news feed:
Business Insider
Eliza Relman…440th ranked -
Biden gets a pass for his gaff blacks/hispanics and Trump is a target for a mispronunciations
This ABSOLUTELY SHOWS THE ABJECT AND HYPOCRITICAL BIAS OF YOU, AOL, AND THE REST OF YOUR LEFT WING BUDDIES! And NO, the violence has not abated in Portland and getting worse, so that even your left wing buddy, the Portland mayor, is calling out the SOROS hired idiots! Even he knows this is helping Trump. (Thanks, George)
650th ranked -
Weissmann involvement in the Russia debacle
Not that we would EVER see this news on AOL, but Weissmann, who is trying to discredit the Duraham investigation, was one of those who encouraged the Russia,Russia, Russia, BS, even after he was told there was nothing. Weissmann is also the one who has had many decisions overturned, because of his lies and over-reach.
650th ranked -
You advertise and mislead people.There is no dark story to Longhorn! It is a great story of success of one man.
LongHorn Steakhouse has an unusual history
Most folks think of the steak-house as just another family restaurant, but it's not as innocent as many think.
This is not true.
Not to mention, no one likes having to go thru next page to read a story.4192nd ranked -
You are antiquated. And ridiculously biased.
So stop with the liberal reporting and start being unbiased or I'll be leaving along with everyone I know. I've been on AOL since 1996 but won't be much longer!
1500th ranked
- Don't see your idea?