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Tell us how we can improve AOL. The more specific your feedback, the more useful for us. While we can’t respond to every suggestion, we review regularly and take them very seriously.
10830 results found
Allow me to play the games
I can't play the games anymore. I would like to play them again.
4204th ranked -
Delay Dental Checkups? (What a Crock)
Anyone who knows anything about dentistry knows that the dental instruments go through rigorous cleaning and sterilization THAT ELIMINATES ALL BACTERIA AND VIRUS, and steps have been taken to reduce or eliminate airborne droplets. LET'S ALL REMEMBER THAT THE WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION IS IN CHINA'S BACK POCKET! This is the purest BS that AOL PUTS OUT ALL THE TIME! It is designed to SCARE PEOPLE AND RUIN OUR ECONOMY BECAUSE OF THEIR TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME!
4204th ranked -
Stop with "your session has timed out" even when still logged in. Better yet, get Time Warner to take over AOL again.
Improve the system all around.
4204th ranked -
Can;t save e-mails on my computer
What have you done to Save on My Computer?? Every time I try to save a message, it goes to Save on AOL only--and not in the folders I set up. On my Saved Mail list, my filing system has become totally corrupted. All the folders are re-alphabetized, but I can't use them. Fix it or stop charging me for what used to be a useful tool but is now just a shill for low-class entertainment advertising.
4204th ranked -
Explain why "Women Clubs" exit without men members? America is going crazy!
Why do we have "Women Clubs" in America?
10589th ranked -
Pelosi Claims D legislation would have prevented Floyd's death?
Where have Pelosi and the other democrats controlling these blue cities and states been all these years? Why haven't democrats ever done anything about this "problem" until now. DOES SHE AND YOU EXPECT US TO BELIEVE THIS PURE BS? Throw BS at the wall and hope some sticks is in the democrat play book!
2345th ranked -
I would like to unsubscribe safecentral
I would like to unsubscribe SafeCentral.
1505th ranked -
How about being honest re Pres Trump? Your constant lying commentary insults your users and makes you look like a bunch of retards.
How about an honest portrayal of the new re Trump. You guys a ridiculous.
1086th ranked -
I have been receiving Emails that are being sent to "", they have been coming to my Gmail account. Please Stop.
Here's an idea, I have receiving emails for someone else in my inbox. the emails in question are addressed to **, they have been going to my Gmail inbox. My idea is "Make it stop!!".
1505th ranked -
Mainstream Media's ratings
This includes YOU, AOL, because YOU are nothing but a puppet for the left-wing news outlets! The only entity that is rated lower than you is the passenger airline industry! That's because YOU are the ones who have supported the efforts of the political and intelligence establishment to get rid of Trump, using lies, half-truths, and innuendos. Almost every day it's a new "gotcha", that disappears when it is disproved. It's not Trump who is trying to steal the 2020 election, it's YOU and your leftist buddies in the press and the swamp! It's YOU and your buddies who will…
4204th ranked -
Mainstream Media's ratings
This includes YOU, AOL, because YOU are nothing but a puppet for the left-wing news outlets! The only entity that is rated lower than you is the passenger airline industry! That's because YOU are the ones who have supported the efforts of the political and intelligence establishment to get rid of Trump, using lies, half-truths, and innuendos. Almost every day it's a new "gotcha", that disappears when it is disproved. It's not Trump who is trying to steal the 2020 election, it's YOU and your leftist buddies in the press and the swamp! It's YOU and your buddies who will…
4204th ranked -
P Diddy's Yacht
You only have his yacht listed in 3 headlines out of 70+. Can't you give it a few more? Just shows AOL's editing genius!
4204th ranked -
4204th ranked
4204th ranked
Netscape Browser 3.0 Problem: MacOSX File it is missing .dmg
Netscape Browser 3.0 Problem: MacOSX File it is missing .dmg
4204th ranked -
Stop trying to portray Trump/administration in the worse possible light
Today's items ridiculed miracles. The reference Pence made is a medical
development ,but miracles can be natural or supernatural. Without
a lawful universe ,there is no science, and consequently no natural miracles.4204th ranked -
2345th ranked
4204th ranked -
Osmond Family Confirms Saddest News
The saddest thing about this headline is HOW MANY TIMES YOU HAVE RUN IT, AOL. Get off your sorry behinds and do some real news, instead of your continual resistance, BS news. You're worse than pathetic!!!!!!!!!!!
2345th ranked -
I no longer read any story beyond the front page. Want to know why? Too bad, I'm going to tell you anyway. There are so many ads on the page that I can't even read the story. The annoying ads cover almost the entire page. Yes, I know I can click on the X and get rid of some but not all of the ads. Also, I don't want to waste a ridiculous amount of time not only trying to get rid of the ads but also I am only able to read a sentence or 2 on each page…
4204th ranked
- Don't see your idea?