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10724 results found

  1. Can your writers and editors try to be anymore liberal? My all the news.

    My all the news. It's getting disgusting. If they say they don't realize it, they are liars or need to take a deep look into the mirror.

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  2. Stop trying to be the ESPN / Entertainment Tonight of PCs.

    Push unbiased news. No one cares how Ricky Martin felt after an interview. Neither Biden nor Trump is as bad as you make them out. Just publish facts.......

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  3. your site is complete Leftist Garbage -- a Mob Left Brainwashing apparatus.

    stop censoring people smart enough to see through your gas-lighting operation.

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  4. auto ins.

    it is nice that the Ariz, Seniors get a break in their Auto Ins, BUT... the Ariz, DOT has authorize a 5 dollar a month, fee once a driver reaches 85 YO, that the insurance companies add on to your policy,

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  5. 13.9K Points 37 minutes ago article is pure propaganda. Most of those unvaccinated are for good reason they have done the research and lis

    13.9K Points

    37 minutes ago
    article is pure propaganda. Most of those unvaccinated are for good reason they have done the research and listened to the science. Not one of the covid vaccines which all are experimental, Only have an EUA not Final FDA Approval ( and none will before March 1 2023, if then) are NOT 100 % Safe, 100% Effective ( J&J's is only 67%) , Side effect free, and All have been responsible for deaths. (The EUA process is different than an FDA approval or clearance. Under an EUA, is an emergency, Temp use only). The EUA…

    4175th ranked

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  6. Illegals

    AOL-Why don't you mention in your so called news about our crisis at our Texas border. Biden and the stupid Democrats actions have caused this crisis. I live in Texas and it is getting worse. AOL get your head out of the Democrats rear end and see the world in a real light.

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  7. Stop being a lying mouthpiece for the leftist democrats.

    The article about what President Trump costs taxpayers is pure spin and misleading. He costs the same yearly rate as obama and slick-willy clinton. who, by the way, have cost multiple times as much as Trump because they have been out of office for years. Stop being a lying mouthpiece.

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  8. Why does AOL keep rejecting my comments on what's popular in the community?? I am well within the guidelines of the community and yet I am s

    Why does AOL keep rejecting my comments on what's popular in the community?? I am well within the guidelines of the community and yet I am still rejected??

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  9. MB2280 16.1K Points 25 February, 2021 When are we going to quit commenting on AOL and begin commenting to our tone deaf politicians. Th

    16.1K Points
    25 February, 2021

    When are we going to quit commenting on AOL and begin commenting to our tone deaf politicians. The only thing thus current group focuses on is getting re-elected. We need to send them a message that they will stand up and pay attention to.




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  10. JAMES 9.3K Points 1 hour ago Well folks we had the most pro law and order president. Now we have whatever you want to call this group of p

    9.3K Points
    1 hour ago

    Well folks we had the most pro law and order president.
    Now we have whatever you want to call this group of persons running things, they may not even know what or which they are or wish to be if you know what I mean.
    The pendulum is building momentum for a strong swing in the other direction.
    It's not surprising when law and order breaks down that officers would retire or transfer.
    AOL censors free thought and open discussion of ideas and thoughts.




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  11. This is the most bias and false news carrier. Why is Huffington News used. It is anti Trump and false.

    The idea is to present a balanced picture of news. Incredible for AOL.
    It is the most biased news carrier. It denigrates all the moderate political ideas. It presents praise for Biden and a false description of Trump's agenda. It is causing anger and perpetuates violence. Never use AOL as a truthful form of the news. Shame on all you liberals who believe that you are right in your beliefs and dump criticism and voice your virulent speech and profanity who do not agree with you. Discover the meaning of Karma. All the hate and untruths you spew will return…

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  12. Stop censoring comments that go against the narrative the DNC pays you to follow. Clear violation of first amendment rights!

    Stop censoring comments that go against the narrative the DNC pays you to follow. Clear violation of first amendment rights!

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  13. AOL,, your news staff should all be fired... YOU ALL SUCK ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

    AOL,, your news staff should all be fired... YOU ALL SUCK ! ! ! ! ! ! !
    EVERY story is ****, and EVERYTHING you write about is nothing but liberal hogwash.

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  14. Chew on your censorship!!!

    14.6K Points
    39 minutes ago

    Since AOL won't let you post on some stories....$10,000 elec bills in Texas???




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    65.8K Points
    12 minutes ago

    AOL is turning into CENSORING stories they deem would not qualify for comments. AOL and the MSM are PROPAGANDA bias MEDIA that makes PRC's media seem fair and balanced.
    animation entity


    Chew on it HARD! Bloody CENSORS -change your attitude...Bolshevicks and Stalin did what you do. This is why all nations got on them later.

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  15. 4175th ranked

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  16. Checking my email

    I have to keep my aol email account open, because it's the address I used when I first used email a quarter of a century ago, and it would be cumbersome to change the address all of those old ones. I find it infuriating that I must be exposed to Democrat Party propaganda in order to check my email. It's a waste of time to click three times to get it off my screen and get to the mail itself. I need a way to bypass it.

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  17. Obnoxious Ad

    I have had AOL as my homepage for 22 . ears (or so) and I am changing it today. I know ads run the internet but the new expanding popup at the very top of your homepage is too obnoxious for me continued use.

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  18. Can you get

    Can you get off Trump's nuts? Not interested in news articles every week about a former president who couldn't get re-elected.

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    You are so hateful of my most successful PRESIDENT that I would cancel but it is also my business sight. I still might cancel since $ is NOT everything. God Bless him and his family. Trump 2020 please GOD.

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  20. Stop your bullsh*t leftist leaning. The disgraced former President? You have no idea how many millions of Americans want him in the WH.

    Get rid of that dumba--, idiotic thing you call biden. If I could, I would delete my trash aol email permanently, but I won't pay your fee, and you are not accepting emails. Eff aol. Take THAT seriously.

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