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10830 results found

  1. Stop sending me the need to VERIFY my e-mail address.

    You keep sending me the need to VERIFY my e-mail account (which is a free account) I have spent countless minutes on the telephone ON HOLD waiting for a customer service rep. who cannot even speak decent ENGLISH!!!!! When I DO get a customer service rep, they immediately launch into a marketing scheme to attempt me to purchase a high level of PAID AOL which I DO NOT WANT! Then they attempt to market me to a paid technical support. I have filed a formal WRITTEN COMPLAINT with the FCC about this aol phishing attempt.

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  2. 2345th ranked

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  3. eliminate or lesson ads

    put your ads in a window somewhere it will not interfere with scrolling or reading the news

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  4. 4204th ranked

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  5. Silly Top of the News Headlines

    Vindman wife is your top headline for the evening? Slow day for news or just another example of your blatant bias in reporting.

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  6. Abashedly politically biased!

    I have been keeping tabs on the "news" articles AOL posts. It is incredibly appalling to see how biased AOL is -- what they choose to report and what they choose not to report. This is not news. . . it is propaganda -- pure and simple. I desire to be a well informed citizen and what all angles, facts and opinions; however, I cannot get that here. It is simply an echo chamber. Count me out!

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    WHY cant i post a comment on the articles ??????? It tells me to sign in and I CANT !!!!!!!! THERE IS NO PLACE .. When i [press the button it takes me to the top of teh page and N O T H I N G happens.

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  8. 534th ranked

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  9. Your coverage of the president is simply nauseating. It is so biased and derogatory. I think he is doing a great job. Time to stop the p

    Your coverage of the President is nauseating. It is so biased against him. He is showing absolute leadership and doing everything he can. I would like to know what the Democrats are actually doing to help besides criticizing him. They don't mention that. Why don't they actually come up with some ideas to help pitch in and help the country during this crisis? Its time to step up to the plate, not promote their partisan agenda. I didn't vote for him last time, BUT DUE TO YOUR COVERAGE I AM 100% VOTING FOR HIM.

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  10. Top Story after an amazing Democratic Convention is Trump's ranting about the convention. How about honoring Joe Biden

    After an amazing positive Democratic Convention your top story is Trump's condemnation of the convention. How about honoring Joe Biden

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  11. 2345th ranked

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  12. Biden's Speech

    Biden pulled out every political platitude we've ever heard and said nothing. The whole week offered no plan to help the middle class or how the D's might improve the economy or anything else. They all tried to paint a picture of darkness, when we had the best economy in 50 years until China unleashed the corona virus. Trump has many accomplishments in improving minority lives, but we'll never see it here on AOL!

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  13. Eric Holder call for investigation

    This is the same Holder that refused to investigate black panthers at a voting venue, threatening potential voters. HYPOCRITES! AND YOU, AOL, THINK THIS IS GOING TO HURT TRUMP!

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  14. Eric Holder call for investigation

    This is the same Holder that refused to investigate black panthers at a voting venue, threatening potential voters. HYPOCRITES! AND YOU, AOL, THINK THIS IS GOING TO HURT TRUMP!

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  15. 4204th ranked

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  16. 2345th ranked

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  17. Steve Bannon

    It's a good thing Bannon was arrested, because that hid the low ratings, HO HUM D convention. We still haven't heard what the dems stand for, except hate Trump and "vote against Trump". And I heard the written platform that the D's hope NO ONE will see. It's filled with a lot of green BS and Socialism and Single payer healthcare and open borders and, and, and everything that would literally RUIN OUR ECONOMY AND COUNTRY! By the democrats reckoning, every "bad thing" that has happened in this country is Trump's fault! Look at all the big cities that have…

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  18. 655th ranked

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  19. 4204th ranked

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  20. Hate you new front page.

    Without a clue as to where your displayed stories are originating, I will NEVER click on them. Just a thought.

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