AOL Super App for iOS
This forum is for you to make product suggestions and provide thoughtful feedback. We’re always trying to improve our products and we can use the most popular feedback to make a positive change!
This forum is not monitored for any support-related issues. If you need assistance of any kind, please visit our help site.
Tell us how we can improve your AOL App experience. The more specific your feedback, the more useful for us. While we can’t respond to every suggestion, we review regularly and take them very seriously.
615 results found
Fix bugs that came with iOS 14.3
Updated to iOS 14.3 which triggered an AOL app update. It ***. Can’t delete all of SPAM all at one time, mail boxes say there is no mail when there is, deleted mail never deletes after closing the app and reopening it. FIX PLEASE
Require change to be thoughtful
I commend you for providing this feedback ability. Change is a good idea if it provides better features, but a horrible idea if all it does is make it less functional or simply changes for no good reason
The app seems to have a few glitches.
New mail sometimes shows all unread messages. And sometimes says I have no new messages when In fact they haven’t been read
.Attachments beyond JPG files
For those of us using AOL as a mobile platform, I’d like to send more than photos. It would help if we could attach or embed documents, GIFS, PDFs, XLS and MP3 files in emails sent from AOL apps.
Drafts lost
I like to write emails over a period of time, and lately after I’ve written the message, attached the image, hit the send button and the message just disappears. It’s not in the SENT folder nor back in the DRAFT folder. Most of the time it magically shows up 6-10 hours later in the DRAFT folder where it’s safest to copy the entire text, write a new email and send that one instead of trying to resend the original.
I can’t access my email now on my phone. What did you do?
Why won’t your app work now?
Why don’t you have a sync button for contacts
Sync contacts with/Gmail account . Make the fonts BOLDER
I need to be able to see more than one week of emails
Since you have changed your format, I am only able to receive one week of emails. I have items that I purchased online that I have not yet received and now I am unable to go back through my emails and view my tracking information. This is unexceptable! If this situation is not corrected, I will be dropping my aol account!!
These theme colors are too dark! Messes up my eyes! Hate it! Give us light options!
It’s nuts how you just changed and dictated to us what colors of these themes we can have! Newsflash....people still using AOL are usually 40 and up...,we need to SEE what the heck we are looking at and these dark themes are for the young and the birds! Give US the option of what we want/need! You are forcing us to use these dark screens. NOT cool.
Ability to increase font
Some of the emails print is very small. It would be nice to have increase font option please.
Notifications on the inbox!
If you open the app you think you have no emails because nothing shows in the inbox unless you click on it! Too many steps in this app! Put a number on the inbox!
Fix the problem!!! It’s that simple!!!! Why do you always have to change AOL when things we just get used to using the current version?? It’s so frustrating!!! If you are going to improve something, fine. Do it little by little. Not all at once!!! Also, put a help feature in AOL. Don’t make us come to Google to find an answer. I have used AOL for nearly 20 years and I am about ready to leave AOL forever!!!
Fix notifications!
Ever since the new update... even though my settings on iPhone 11 are set up correctly, the sound notifications do not work. They work for every other app... I rebooted the phone, changed my password... even went to the ATT store to verify... it is definitely the app! Please fix this!
I would like email notification sound to be a little longer
I’m somewhat hearing impaired so it would be helpful to have the email notification sound to be a little longer as an option.
Stichworte und Anweisungen in deutscher Sprache wäre hilfreich
Stichworte und Anweisungen in deutscher Sprache wäre hilfreich
Why can’t I get into my AOL account at MMD 326 @LL this doesn’t make any sense you guys erase my baby pictures when she was just a baby now
This is the worst email system ever this is why I switched over to Gmail
Email message
Please remove the link at the top of the email message. It is unnecessary since you can click on the message and it will take you to the website. Now I have scroll down in order to read the email message.
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