Lost my ability to use group emails. If we can use them, how??
CONNIE CAREY commented
Can not add group emails to my account
paul Phelan commented
It seems to me to be basic requirement as to include group emails. At the moment it’s causing a lot of difficulty sending information to my clients in group format. Please address this as a priority issue.
How this could have been missed by a company the size of aol is beyond belief. -
Todd Wichman commented
Cannot sent to email groups as before. Please add Group functionality when selecting recipients.
Lloyd Durham commented
Cannot get group emails on iPhone 11 anymore
Great Expectations Connection Group commented
I can no longer use the app to send group emails. Must go to my desktop. Please fix ASAP
Jill Reinstadler commented
I have a group of 30 that I can no longer send my monthly prayer requests without moving each contact from aol contact to another server...very frustrating 😩
JOHN FIORANI commented
The loss of the group email capability is “killing” me. I am the President of one club (34 members), Treasurer of another (61 members) and my Sunday School Class (24 members). COVID-19 restrictions make it a must to email since face to face meetings are suspended.
Alyce Jones commented
Please fix this bug. I have to use Chrome to send a group email.
DON CHURCH commented
Can’t find my groups on contact list.
Cannot send emails to my Groups -
Richard Cummings Jr commented
Group mail
Jayme Steele commented
I have several groups that I send out newsletters/emails to and they all disappeared. How do I get them back?
Sandra Gallaher commented
Help I can’t send to group contact
New App lost ability to use distribution list & to search mail. This is important during the pandemic. Come on put back these FINE features. A fine Christmas present.
Merry Christmas bb8040 -
TOM BALLARD commented
New AOLapp deleted my existing email groups
Tammy Eckert commented
For whatever reason I can’t use my contact groups in my email program on my phone so I’ve had to actually use the aol app for that and now since the app update I can’t use my email contact groups and so now I have to log into aol on an actual computer to send certain emails which is incredibly inconvenient!
rckcandy commented
My group contact list is no longer available. Directions to recreate? Is it still available?
Linda Hasert commented
This isn’t a Contacts list. It’s an index of anyone I ever emailed or called. What ARE all these entries? Bears no resemblance to my previously synced iPhone Contacts list. And where are my grouped contacts — I.e. Work, Family, etc.?
Where are my contacts? Where are my group contacts? This new format has lost my contacts and group contact lists This is awful.
JOHN FIORANI commented
Totally lost ability to set-up or use existing group emails ( from contacts). Terrible change
Nannette Palyok commented
Need ability to send group email