How do I now find emails that I had previously flagged or starred I cannot get them now
It should be easier to find emails that were previously flagged I now Cannot find them please help

GLENN NEVOLA commented
Why does the unread messages on the bottom of the app not work with only the inbox? When you click it, it shows unread messages in every folder including trash???
Norman Jenkins commented
You need to get to flagged items quickly. Please add.
Paulette Williams commented
I need my old emails to track purchases - Doctors info emails - info that I need by starring and now I can’t find. Why did you stop this? If I knew this would happen, I would have stored them before you removed them. You have created a major problem.
Alan Bourne commented
How do you view only the starred emails?
Jennifer Neil commented
I need to filter my important emails, I have old flagged emails I need to retrieve and can't be scrolling all day. PLEASE PUT THE FILTER ON FOR STARRED, UNREAD EMAILS ETC...
Ashley Camm commented
Allow users to view unread messages only
You have removed this functionality. Why? And then you have a ‘star’ at the end of emails. What’s the point of that when there’s no way to search those either? Are you guys ********?
Rosi Rivera commented
There is no way to filter unread or starred emails. This is basic email functionality
Help! I’m losing track of important emails... Please add a way to sort just flagged messages!
Jay Fisher commented
Give me back the capability to filter my Inbox to show only Unread emails. If it’s there, it’s too hard to find!
Lucinda Hickey commented
I hate the fact that you removed the filtering
Why can’t I filter for unread emails only in the app??
Alison Moody commented
I’m having the same problem got an email at 15.47 that I need re holiday refund and it’s disappeared argh ! Not in old email junk or spam
Monica Miller commented
How do you view only the starred emails?
Regina Keegan commented
Unread email Filter
Bring this feature back. I often leave email unread when I need to be able to find it quickly, pending an order shipment, something I important, etc., and not having this feature makes it hard to find them. -
I want one button to look at unread emails only.
Chris Sandiford commented
Why was this essential feature removed?
Nikki Munko commented
Where are the starred messages? Why is there no folder set up for these obviously important messages? And please get rid of the ads. They’re annoying and obtrusive.
Thomas G Malkoch commented
Return the option to view only unread messages. Now I have to scroll thru hundreds of read messages to see my unread ones. That sucks to say the least. I don’t understand why every time there is an “update” it involves removing a feature I use.
Steven Spiegel commented
Restore sort. What’s the point of flagging- now “starring” messages if you can’t find them?!