Allow setting to default to inbox when opening app
I use AOL app primarily for mail. Until a few days ago, the app opened directly to my inbox. Now it suddenly opens to the Home tab, and I can’t find any way to set it to my preference.

I will be leaving aol if this is not corrected
LINDA SMITH commented
It is ridiculous that the AOL app does not open to the Inbox. I have an elderly person who cannot understand why he cannot find his email. The phone told him he has mail.
Might be because AOL news is in his face. The entire world has unfairly pushed technology on the elderly expecting them to join in what I have deemed "the treasure hunt". The elderly DO NOT understand that the 'powers that be' have decided their email has to be searched for, ie, tap the AOL app on the home screen, search the next screen for the Inbox icon and then tap on that to find their email.
David Fuhrwerk commented
i have the same issue.....what can be done to change this to open directly to emails!
As a paying customer since aol started I want the ability to not see the biased news.
Keith Wesley commented
Like so many others, I don’t want to open my app and see news! I don’t even watch the news anymore!
TINA BENNETT commented
I have noticed in the last few weeks that instead of allowing us to click on Mail as we used to, we are automatically taken to your news. Since this is an ejection year, your decision to do this is obvious. And I’m not the only one annoyed as the moment I typed in my feedback, other complaints came up. I’m sure that most of us ignore your news anyway because we receive ours from any direct but AOL. Just give me my mail, and should I decide to look at your “news” I will but please reflect my intelligence and those of others and quit spreading your “need”, which I’m sure you’ll immediately change back to email first after November.
Keep your [annoying and boring] political feed separate and allow those of us read our email without the news headlines.
Anna Sapte commented
Please make the default front screen “Mail” and not “News”. This is an email app.
kaye jones commented
So…how much feedback do you actually need to gather? This has been going on for a LONG time and feedback is plentiful that users want to OPEN TO OUR INBOX! What’s it going to take for you to listen and fix this?????
Sara Mary Brown commented
Disturbing upon waking and before bed
Sara Mary Brown commented
Do not go to news, open mail
Mike Dalton commented
This is ridiculous! I need to see my e-mail 1st. I cannot get past a Home page that pops up. Fix this
I have just deleted the AOL app, I can only access my AOL email as a bookmark in my browser... sorry I miss the news and all the other good AOL stuff but I didn't want a front page newspaper with my email buried beneath.. I read The Times.... Probably will start to drift away from this OLD email account.
Maynor Alberto Paz Velasquez commented
Feedback’s are Critical
Jayne Rooney commented
I do NOT want the news just my email!
You can spoil a persons whole day by your news feed.
I will go close my account if it’s not changed back. -
phil hanson commented
I have, for example, no interest in King Charles’ prostate. I don’t want to see Trump every time I open the app. Whoever is managing this is in need of adult supervision.
phil hanson commented
I do not want your news feed. We need a way to disable it.
Sarah Willis commented
I don’t want to see the news as it’s too depressing. I never watch the news and you are causing stress. I use it for emails. Please turn it off so that it only opens on emails
JEAN HAND commented
I do not use aol for news. I do not want the app to open in news. I want to see my email first AND I do not want aol to automatically open the newest email.
Alisha Gallini commented
I see a lot of comments about the liberal ***** to AOL news. Let me speak as a liberal to say that click bait is a better way to describe AOL news and I want the mail to be the default screen. I click AOL to read my mail, not the news. I’m going to gmail after nearly thirty years on AOL because of this issue.