I thought when you made big changes they were supposed to be better,,what happened here?
go back to the old format,,FIRE who ever made this change!!

Jayne Bellini commented
My new emails are in my trash box instead of my in box. How do I fix this?
No one can figure out why my default email is a gmail (that I do not ever remember setting-up - hate gmail) account that is inacceassible. Whoever thought AOL was a reliable email provider should be transferred to the help desk and kept there until it works like other email app. The only thing Verizon is good for is billing and some retricted wireless service. For all that it costs, Verizon monthly billing, you'd expect that they could offer some resolution to their poorly engineered AOL email service.
Dale Petree commented
this new format is terrible,,someone should be FIRED for doing this