"New" AOL about the same as classic with some lost features.
In the middle of the day The New AOL Mail suddenly took over my AOL mail with a handicapped BASIC version interface, dummied down from the original, BE sure you switch to the Full new AOL and you will find that most of the previous Classic features are just as before.
However, I can no longer arrange columns by dragging. Not a terrible loss.
I can't sort with a single column click or reverse sort, now its a clumsy two step process. SORT button is available, so not a significant loss.
You can only do full scrolling if you are using the FULL AOL INTERFACE< NOT THE BASIC. with its page format.
It's not the terrible interface as described in many comments, rather most of those no doubt result from AOL switching them into BASIC mode rather than the FULL version. This is easy to fix by choose the new version and not the BASIC version.
I don't see why this version was published as its functionality has not been improved, rather many useful functions have disappeared.
These feature losses can be fixed with little effort by AOL:
Show full senders email address
Allow drag/drop and sizing of columns again.
Put attachments back at the top where they can't be missed.
Restore the option to imbed or attach a picture file