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AOL Mail Norrin

This forum is for you to make product suggestions and provide thoughtful feedback. We’re always trying to improve our products and we can use the most popular feedback to make a positive change!

Tell us how we can improve your AOL Mail experience. The more specific your feedback, the more useful for us. While we can’t respond to every suggestion, we review them regularly and take them very seriously.

Please contact our help site if you’re experiencing an issue that prevents you from using Mail as expected.

330 results found

  1. mark unread goes to bold format

    In the new AOL, marking "unread" makes the heading go back to the bold format. Marking "unread" used to make it grayed out (non bold). Please let me go back to having "unread" show as non-bold.

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    Hi, we'd like to hear more about this issue. Could you please contact us at so we can look into it? We're also available on X (former Twitter) @AOLSupportHelp.

  2. AOL Basic Mail will not load

    I requested to switch back to basic mail and it will not load. Just spins and spins and nothing ever happens. When I switch back to new mail it loads right up. Please make Basic Mail load again. Even better - get rid of new mail entirely. Print is too small, no color or font options. It's horrible.

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    Hi, we'd like to hear more about this issue. Could you please contact us at so we can look into it? We're also available on X (former Twitter) @AOLSupportHelp.

  3. Why did you collapse the width of the email page?

    Please provide the option to maintain full width.

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    Hi, we'd like to hear more about this issue. Could you please contact us at so we can look into it? We're also available on X (former Twitter) @AOLSupportHelp.

  4. Mail not loading. Just spins and spins. Please fix this

    When I try to use the old email format, which is far superior to the new on, my inbox will not load, just keeps spinning. When I switch to the new mail format, it will load. Obviously a ploy to get us to switch to an inferior product. Please make the old system work again.

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    Hi, we'd like to hear more about this issue. Could you please contact us at so we can look into it? We're also available on X (former Twitter) @AOLSupportHelp.

  5. delete

    24k emails in "recently deleted. Click the trash can to permanently delete and AOL locks up. Did you mean to keep my 24K recently deleteds and 100K other users 10K recently deleteds on your servers?

    Maybe improve server performance as users try to delete their stuff. Allow users to delete more than 100 at a time. Give us the option to PERMANENTLY DELETE right from the inbox instead of assuming we don't know what the **** we are deleting and that we might need to recover deleted items.

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  6. We're glad you're here

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    Hi there. Once you have the Contacts window open, click on the contact you wish to edit, click ''Edit contact'' (top right corner) then on the bottom of the page you should see ''Delete contact''. If you need help navigating the New AOL Mail, please contact us on Twitter at @AOLSupportHelp or on Facebook at our AOL Customer Care page. If you do not have a social media account, we are available at

    Thank you,

    AOL team


    Deleted (read or unread) reappear as new again and have to be deleted again. I notice this not immediately but the next time I check my emails. Please please please go back to the very good version you once had.

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  8. Responding to an email brings up several layers of the conversation

    This is making me crazy! Responding to an email brings up several layers of the conversation and I only want to respond to the ONE current email. It is so confusing to scroll within a long conversation to the current email you are responding to.

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    Hi. I'm sorry for the inconvenience this is causing you! I recommend turning off conversations, by going to Settings>More settings>Viewing email>Group by conversation. If you need help adjusting to the New AOL Mail, please contact us on Twitter at @AOLSupportHelp or on Facebook at our AOL Customer Care page. If you do not have a social media account, we are available at

    Thank you, 

    AOL team

  9. HEY! How about NOT underlining every **** thing in the e-mail I write, when I've included a link in the e-mail, with NO WAY stop it!

    HEY! How about NOT underlining every **** thing in the e-mail I write, when I've included a link in the e-mail, with NO WAY to stop it!

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    Hi there, 

    I'm sorry to hear you're experiencing this issue and I'd like to look more into it to help, please contact us on Twitter at @AOLSupportHelp or on Facebook at our AOL Customer Care page. If you do not have a social media account, we are available at

    Thank you, 

    AOL team

  10. Add spell check

    How do I spell check my messages? Fire the folks who changed a perfectly good messaging system. Your Geeks have too much time on their hands. Good enough is perfect!

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  11. Hire someone that can help me

    My wife passed away last year, I had her phone turned off about a month later, I know her password but can not get in because you want to send the authorization code to her old #. I've called support about 3 times and was told to call back in a couple days, I'm tired of no help. Who or what department do I need to contact

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    Hi. We're very sorry for your loss.

    In the unfortunate event of a death of the billing contact for an AOL account, ownership can easily be transferred to another AOL Username already listed under the account.

    Note: If you don't own a Username on the AOL account and would like to make changes to the account, please contact one of our AOL Customer Support Team Representatives at 1-800-827-6364.

  12. check mark to delete all in trash and a check mark to delete all read messags...Not have to click each one to delete....very time consuming.

    when you want to delete a e-mail or empty trash and spam give us a check mark to delete all in trash and or e-mail as it is now I have to delete each one at a time...I do not have the time to do that. Just on check mark to delete all that is in trash and one check to delete all that are checked in email....worked great before please bring it back....

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    Hi there. You should see a ''Select All'' button right above your emails. If you need help navigating the New AOL Mail, please contact us on Twitter at @AOLSupportHelp or on Facebook at our AOL Customer Care page. If you do not have a social media account, we are available at

    Thank you, 

    AOL team

  13. Losing my new mail.

    Missing mail because AOL is landing randomly on message in my new mail box. When selected, It does not load from the top.

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    Hi, we'd like to hear more about this issue. Could you please contact us at so we can look into it? We're also available on Twitter @AOLSupportHelp.

  14. See who is blocked

    I want to be able to click and see who is blocked overall on my aol.

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  15. Viewing what I type

    How do I set the email so I can see more than 3 lines of what I am writing?

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    Hi there. In case the Compose window is too small, you can either enlarge it by clicking the double arrow next to the ''X'' button or make your Compose window large by default, by going to Settings>More Settings> Writing email>Full-Sized

  16. what happen to the mail theme? It's no longer there.

    What happened to the mail theme? It's no longer there.

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  17. NEED Advanced Search Options!

    NEED Advanced Search Options! We NEED to be able to search EACH folder, not entire mailbox. NEED to be able to search by... Subject, Key Word(s) and/or Numbers, Sender (name or e-mail address), date (both specific and range), etc.!!!

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  18. when forwarding an email the send button disappears

    When I forwarding an email the send button is not on the top of the bottom????? have opened and reopened mail numerous times, restarted computer...this is an ongoing issue.

    Also font is very difficult to read

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    Hi there. Once you forward an email, the Send button no longer applies, but you do have the ''reply'', ''reply all'' and ''forward'' button at the top and bottom of the email, see the arrows icons. You can hover over them to see their exact functions.  

  19. I want a way to turn off VIEWS folder.. It just popped up the other day

    I want a way to turn off VIEWS folder.. It just popped up the other day

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  20. 3rd World email Format

    The forced implementation of the current sub standard email format is highly unprofessional, and your inability to respond to User complaints is very ignorant . How very sad that you haven't the moral fibre or courage to answer the User concerns and comments.

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    Hi there. The older version is no longer available. If you need help adjusting to the New AOL Mail, please contact us on Twitter at @AOLSupportHelp or on Facebook at our AOL Customer Care page. If you do not have a social media account, we are available at

    Thank you, 

    AOL team

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AOL Mail Norrin


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