I just want classic email back. I've had it since 1995. Can't handle the change, don't mess up what already works.

Dennis Cook commented
Any chance we will EVER be able to get Classic Email again? I HATE the way this works. I really want to open mail in separate windows.
Stanley Walker commented
You people at AOL, don't you see the problems you've created? Do you not care about the people that use AOL? You say you are gathering feedback but there have been many thousands of people stating that they are unhappy with this new system, which is a clone of Yahoo.
As I've stated before, if we had wanted what Yahoo has we would have moved. If things don't change or we do not hear from AOL there will be an exodus to a different platform.
Thanks for not caring about the people that liked AOL in the past. -
SUSAN LESTER commented
What a f_ _ _ _ing mightmare you have created!!!!
Find out out what people want, not what you think is good. -
This new email system is the most screwed up thing I have ever had to deal with. I can barely use it at all, for example, I can't find a way to add an email address, something as simple as that. This system should be immediately trashed!
Martha C Bayer commented
Cannot access aol contacts and am now not receiving incoming emails on my monitor. Please restore the old format for me. I am not able to manage the New AOL.
Martha Bayer
Israel Presiado commented
this new version is pure garbage!!!! been using it for few month already and its wrong in so many different ways....this is my main email work, and the new version have slow down my work, everything takes me much longer.....they created something new but never really tested it....
TREVOR MILLS commented
This new version is rubbish why when I click on a name of a person to email to it only shows first name rubbish dont **** up things that are already good
Anne Lore commented
It's one thing to introduce new features occasionally, but it was a very unwise decision to throw out a perfectly good platform and expect users to simply get used to it, especially where the replacement seems inferior in so many ways. As you can see, many of us are not getting used to it, and deeply resent AOL's disregard for the needs of long-time loyal customers. We strongly urge AOL to create an alternative platform that closely resembles the former email and give users the option of switching. This is a reasonable and logical request, and would be an immense relief to thousands-- plus serve to rehabilitate AOL's now-much-tarnished image.
Beryl 1234 commented
Many changes, irritating and full of bugs. Select a list pf emails then accidentally clicking an email, all checkmarks disappear. Start over. Gradual frustrating changes every week. Like going home and finding the furniture moved every few nights. What's wrong with you? Allowing script kiddies to each assert their individuality on this interface? Never seen such a klugy never-ending change process in 35+ years of It management. If we wanted Yahoo, we'd switch. What part of stop changing don't you get? I can't get a low memory version for older equipment.
They don't care. AOL had a tremendously loyal user base which volunteered to monitor chat rooms and answer questions. We don't see that no.! I hate the changes and worse yet that they're poorly implemented.
Archie Duncan commented
I am unable to open any email attachments since the change. It was so simple to reply to emails, but now I have to scroll down to find where I make my reply. Access to and use of the Calendar was much simpler previously. Please let me return to the previous arrangement - for me, this one simply doesn't work. I have no idea what is meant by 'By agreeing, you'll sign into User Voice on your AOL account and allow User Voice to access'. I have used AOL for over 20 years without any problem and would like to be able to use it during that period.
Thomas Foster commented
Go Back to Classic , this current hotch potch is just 3rd World.....awful !!!
PS I did get a response(sic) from AOL to my previous observations and complaints on the current 3rd world format , which guess what, was 3rd World and quite sad. BRING BACK CLASSIC...please
Luigi Di Rauso commented
I always hope that in the end the YAHOO management understands that, no matter how much effort they make the NEW AOL MAIL LAYOUT to meet user requests, will never be able to MATCH the perfection of the OLD AOL MAIL LAYOUT. SO WHY NOT GO BACK TO THE OLD LAYOUT?.Have a good day.
Baabel Seventeen commented
AOL does not care what you think. AOL wants to make AOL and Yahoo clones of GMail. But they can't. Because AOL depends on ads. Original AOL was unique in the options and personalization available, as well as it's ease of use, especially with inserted images. AOL & Yahoo realize that their customers who like the uniqueness and personalization of original AOL may be older than their target audience and that they need to get younger customers. They have chosen imitating GMail to do this. Except they have ads, and GMail does not. GMail has other sources of income and does not need ads. I would love to use original AOL forever. Apparently they feel they cannot survive unless they do something different. But this is not the way to do it. Personally, I wish they would get more customers by building on the uniqueness of original AOL. Apparently AOL/Yahoo disagrees.
KE HA commented
Please bring the old aol back.
dian yudelove commented
this email sucks so bad and it is do despressing life is hard enough why aol have you gone so far out of your way to make it much worse?
dian yudelove commented
when are you going to resetore the old AOL no one likes this better than they liked it the first day & WHY am i still not getting all my emails hoinestly what the **** is wrong with you aol - i am moving all my stuff to microsoft office and it is a nightmare - i was so happy with aol - now it just sucks and you ARE NOT getting new young people they don't use email and they certainly aren't going to use this unreliable service
Bob Curry commented
Please go back the search for a old e-mail is now useless!!!!
Michael Shanbour commented
Please change back!
Michael Shanbour commented
I do not like the color options in the new email format. Used to be able to choose almost any shade or darkness. The BLUE in particular is terrible...the darkest option is way too light!!
David White commented
Why do AOL messages go straight to deleted?