I just want classic email back. I've had it since 1995. Can't handle the change, don't mess up what already works.
Michelle Levine commented
Nothing flows, just reading my email is complicated..what's this about "yesterday's mail??" Can not use complete "edit" because email is hidden and can not be seen until enough email deleted! The new email is not working for me.
Anne Lore commented
PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEZE GIVE US THE OLD EMAIL BACK, PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEZE. And if you won't do that, create a platform as close to it as possible to offer as an alternative option. The new "Standard" is unacceptable. Please listen to us!
8/23/23 Stop loading my AOL-Mail IN BOX with AOL paid advertisers $$AOL greed
Alan Schoonmaker commented
Same as other complaints.I have to go to 5 different pages to see my email.PITA!
I have used AOL as my primary email since it first came out. In the past couple of weeks, mail has gotten almost unusable. I delete emails and they reappear. The format and layout is hard to navigate. I HATE it. I may be forced to start using my gmail account as my primary email account if things don't improve. UGH. One headache I don't need.
Suzanne Banyai commented
I got an important email and can't open it I DON'T WANT TO FORWARD IT. I NEED TO OPEN IT> GIVE BACK THE OLD E MAIL. NOT THAT YOU MORANS CARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SCREAMING
Anita Hamrick commented
I liked the old AOL MAIL the way it was set up. I could scroll down all the way through to see my mail. The way it's set up now I can no longer do it. Please bring back the Old Classical Email?
Thank you! Sincerely, Anita -
Linda White commented
So much time used up, looking for previously conveniently-placed items! Please return! Not necessary!
Betty Cancilla commented
Have you NOT noticed that almost everyone HATES this new format??? Simple tasks have become impossible! Why can't I search for emails anymore? Worse is the fact that your IT people have gone backward instead of forward. Why change the format that was working so well and why NO response to complaints???
I don't like half screen mail, with viewing of the detail below. Everything seems okay to me.
Stop the STUPID!!! Go Back to the original format. You know this new thing SUCKS!!!
JOHN MACCINI commented
Product Support? Hello? Maybe you were all fired and there is no one to reply to the 16,000 comments on how BAD the new AOL mail is. Everyone connected to the new AOL beginning with the CEO should be fired!!!
heidinicholson27 commented
Go back to the way it was. I had more choices for Theme Settings than what the new format offers. Also am unable to search for emails so they can be grouped or added in a folder.
Raveon1019 commented
Yahoo is being greedy and I didn’t think they were owned by musk
derfhrick commented
GO BACK! GO BACK ! GO BACK ! I've had enough already!
It's happening all over the place...now AOL. It's as if they are trying real hard to make me not use this service. I used to brag about how much better AOL was than Gmail, but you went and ruined it trying to be like the other guys. Do you really think that all the kids are going to drop their mail client and come flocking over to AOL. It's not gonna happen. What's actually happening, is that you're chasing away your loyal users with this half hearted attempt to revamp your service. The original AOL was perfect as is. This is not cool...
If I can't go back to the way I've always used AOL, I will cancel my account. I conduct all my financial business via email. With this new interface, I cannot attached documents. It's totally useless
I DO NOT LIKE the new format - too confusing and attempt to look "modern" and "with it" - PLEASE go back to or at least make available the original format !!!!!!!!
And stop blocking my comments on AOL articles. You allow your leftist pals to post vile, nasty, threatening stuff all day and every day. So get off MY CASE!
I cannot download simple files like word. This is the worst version I have ever seen and I have been a loyal customer since the beginning. I don't want to switch but cannot continue with this version