AOL Mail Norrin
Tell us how we can improve your AOL Mail experience. The more specific your feedback, the more useful for us. While we can’t respond to every suggestion, we review them regularly and take them very seriously.
Please contact our help site if you’re experiencing an issue that prevents you from using Mail as expected.
1143 results found
Remove date rows from inbox
If you "sort" your email by "starred" and don't have any starred it will remove the date rows. So, it should be easy to program/include/provide email with out date rows as a view option. For now using the starred sort option is a work around for something that should be a formatting option. Thanks.
594th ranked -
Restore the ability to generate passwords for third party email apps such as Outlook
AOL seem to have (deliberately?) disabled the passord generator for third party apps which means (being forced) to use AOL apps (along with unwanted adverts).
344th ranked -
your news in 'TODAY ON AOL" are so stupid and shallow. A shame for culture and education.
your news in 'TODAY ON AOL" are so stupid and shallow. A shame for culture and education. I by pass them wthput atempt t read them Yhey are just a nonseses news, irrelevamt, plainly stupid, not coming from any one who could be as stupid and shallow as them
344th ranked -
Filter Arrows
Filter Arrows (up and down) should on the left or the right side of the pane so we can see the filters moving up or down so we can easily see where to stop it!
246th ranked -
I work for an old school lawyer who must have all emails printed in "draft" before I am allowed to send them. I really do not mind the new format BUT NOT BEING ABLE TO PRINT DRAFT EMAILS IS CRITICAL!
594th ranked -
signon screen picture
Can I change the picture on the sign-on screen? the one with the senior citizen mouth-breather is making me sick.
594th ranked -
Incomplete Titles for AOL News Articles - A Terrible Idea.
AOL News does not now show full titles for most news articles. A terrible idea. I will not read any article where the title does not tell the content of the piece. Bad for AOL. Bad for advertisers that I hope are complaining big time.
290th ranked -
How do I set email inbox to ask before sending mail to trash or recently deleted folder
How do I set email inbox to ask before sending mail to trash or recently deleted folder
430th ranked -
exporting of distribution lists
There used to be a way to export a certain distribution list but now that feature is gone. All you can do is export the entire contact list and that's not what is needed.
290th ranked -
Make it so I can auto-forward to a different email address
AOL seems to be the only major email service to not allow this. It makes no sense and it causing business issues on my end.
344th ranked -
VPN - are you bleeping nuts- banks allow VPNs. Are you top secret Pentagon or just aholes\
Normally financial institutions allow to log in with VPN down and many allow VPN use. You need to get a life instead acting liike fascists. We should be allowed to use VPNs, You are not Pentagon to block VPNS. God forbid somebody accessed our Spam. You act as pompous aholes not caring about users. We need VPN to protect ourselves on line. The complaint to my Congress rep is coming.
430th ranked -
Are you bleeping nuts- why more security than financial institutions
I cannot access my spam, draft folders. I logged on and than put back VPN which many vendors allow. Financial institutions allow VPNs. ARE YOU HARASSING ME OR YOU ARE JUST BLEEPING IDIOTS? Can you start being civilized? Who would care to break into spam or trash folders. I will contact my Congress rep about this HARASSMENT.
430th ranked -
Search mail function
What happened to the search function? I used to get a list of my emails that contained a keyword. Now keywords MIGHT be highlighted, and I have to scroll through months of emails to retrieve what is pertinent. FIX THIS, your new design is NOT an improvement.
146th ranked -
Delay with the emails
Delay with the posting of the emails that already came in
896th ranked -
Bring Back Contact editing and display window.
Your Contact arrangement is not friendly to editing and deleting. Your previous contacts & list management method was so superior to your present arrangement.
344th ranked -
146th ranked
When I reply/forward to respond to an email, I used to be able to click Back after sending the response to return to the original message.
How can I get back to the original message without hunting for it after responding to an email?
146th ranked -
EVERYTHING is too Slow
WHY does this forced upon us horrific, loss of functionally, added unwanted functionality, take a "updating bar" and time consuming about of time just to delete your deleted folder? THE NORMAL AOL VS. WE ALL LOVED AND STAYED LOYAL TO SINCE THE BEGINNING OF AOL, HAD ONE CLICK ON DELETE, AND POOF IT WAS GONE. Now? Now you click delete, see a bar as it's processing, and it takes multiple seconds to complete the task. YOU DESTROYED AOL and no one, including Yahoo users, wants Yahoo looking, feeling or acting like email? Care to response w/out marking it responded and…
146th ranked -
Remove videos that must time out from articles. There is no way to exit the video, I have to just let it time out. Not a good idea.
Remove the videos
430th ranked -
go back to the old version
you are asking the same **** questions over and over. How can I go back to the old version????
344th ranked
- Don't see your idea?