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  1. Posting on AOL articles.

    I have consistently being told I only have one point when commenting on an AOL article when I have 8.7. This needs to be fixed asap.

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  2. Don't post Trump/MAGA ADS on the AOL Welcome page News Feed.

    Don't post Trump/MAGA Ads on my AOL Welcome page news feed. I am a paid subscriber who refuses to listen to Trump/MAGA lies about anyone including the Democrats.

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  4. Let us customize our opening page

    The opening page of Google lets you "hide a story." This lets them know what people are and are not interested in. I'd love to see AOL do the same thing. AOL is quite slanted in their choice of stories and their "news" (I use that term loosely) are most often of no interest to me. I really wish there was a way to customize the opening screen.

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  5. Take Biden's **** off the front page, you have to look at it and it won't X off, Maybe he can pay for my monthly subscription by invading

    Take Biden's **** off the front page, you have to look at it and it won't X off, Maybe he can pay for my monthly subscription by invading my time on AOL since he has the balls to plant this over everything......PIA

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  6. #5 and #10 slots in your front page newsfeed are both taken by same filthy political attack ad. TAKE IT DOWN!!

    5 and #10 slots in your front page newsfeed both taken by same filthy political attack ad. TAKE IT DOWN!! This does not belong in a newsfeed even once, let alone twice!

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  8. New Comments Section

    Please "Default" to "Conversation" instead of "Explore" since the conversation is the reason everyone goes there. Or put it back the way it was . . .

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  9. Associated Press articles should be shown directly--not from a newspaper that cuts off some of article.

    Associated Press articles should be posted directly from AP--not posted through a newspaper that limits the length of the article!

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  10. Ok , see if you can tone down your anti - Trump bias and give us news instead.

    Ok , see if you can tone down your anti - Trump bias and give us objective news instead.

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  11. Since when does Social Media get authority to determine what news is true and what news is false? They are to put the news out and let the

    Since when does Social Media get authority to determine what news is true and what news is false? They are to put the news out and let the public decide. I DO NOT LIKE THIS!

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  12. Why would AOL use a picture of President Grant while reporting a story on Gen Custer?

    Are our schools that bad at teaching history or is it your employees really don't give a dam about accuracy?

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  13. Your Welcome Screen shows the bias of AOL or at least the person choosing the subjects

    Google does that too as well as Facebook and it's beginning to backlash. You might make your news from either both slants or just print the news and verify what you are sharing.

    Too much out there is coming from "sources say" when someone has made it up or taken things out of context. I would love it if AOL were unbiased and just printed the news as it was originally reported in AP or wherever it originated from.

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  14. Can we stop any news articles from showing up?

    Is there any way that I can stop all news articles from appearing when I go onto AOL?

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  15. Return to the old version of COMMENTS ON AN ARTICLE. When a person replies and you click on it it WILL NOT take you to the response.

    Roll back the programming on being able to comment on articles. In the new version when someone replies and you click on the link it does not take you to the comment to respond. Instead it open the article and you have to click on show more replies in every section and begin searching for the comment. It is time consuming and tedious. Is is NOT USER FRIENDLY!

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  17. Is there a reason why the AOL news section contains zero mention of the Flynn-Kyslyak transcripts?

    Is there a reason why the AOL news section contains no mention of the content of the Flynn-Kyslyak transcripts?

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  18. New formatting of stories is a bust

    The new formatting of stories is horrible. The text is too light and the broken lines are a pain in the butt.

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  19. aol is brain dead

    Has anyone working at AOL graduated high school? AOL is such a mish-mash of driblle and tripe and that it appears to be a training class for 8th grade wanna-be's......

    AOL ****. If the word "maybe" and "reportedly" were taken out of the English vocabulary, AOL would be out of business.

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  20. Is there any way to delete articles you don't like so you don't have to see them again?

    It would be sweet to delete negative articles about our President so they don't come up again.

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