aol is brain dead
Has anyone working at AOL graduated high school? AOL is such a mish-mash of driblle and tripe and that it appears to be a training class for 8th grade wanna-be's......
AOL ****. If the word "maybe" and "reportedly" were taken out of the English vocabulary, AOL would be out of business.

RUDY LANG commented
Stop all the lies and misinformation and hate you ** think is normal. You are brain dead anti-American *********.
RUDY LANG commented
AOL appears to be the training ground for fiction writers who are obsessed with their own personal agenda and interpretation of the facts. They know "zero" about the history of this country and simply lie and twist the truth or simply make up stories to push their brain dead future of America. AOL should change its name to SOL...Stupid Ongoing Lies.
Anonymous commented
Tech support stinks. Twice I had to have my account verified and I was told that not being able to access my address book is a known issue so I cannot receive a credit for the money I pay for both tech support and system mechanic. This restraint of trade since I run a business and it is preventing me from doing work. The stupid Romanian tech support person went round and round and would not address my issue that I want a credit for the money I pay to use the service that I am not receiving. The whole AOL management hides behind a cloak and will not converse with it's users. If I ran my business like AOL I would be out of business. Wise up and communicate. It is an archaic platform with incompetent customer service people.
Coral Gwyn-Williams commented
love aol's 86 degrees...they say it's 26 degrees with a high of's June in Florida....brain dead big time
Anonymous commented
They designed the "new" AOL Gold with a brown paper bag and crayons. Terrible. It was better over 25 yrs ago when it was first started.
Jacqueline commented
Agree with all of you--simple e-mail interface is why I still use AOL which is otherwise geared to...whom? morons, maybe. When the United States is in full political and constitutional crisis, lurching toward fascism, I don't need to know that some TV floozy's favorite lipstick got 5K reviews. But there's no way to copy all saved e-mail msgs from a computer to a flash drive in three clicks all at once. No. Way. Only one at a time or lose it all. Who has time for that kind of nonsense?AOL + Yahoo = Oaf. That's not a typo. Look it up.
Anonymous commented
If it were not for it's FAB E-mail user-interface, THIS paying customer would have been
gone... Gone... GONE long ago after their
such ABUSIVE SMACK-In-the-FACE Obnoxious adverts.... -
RUDY LANG commented
This is so true. If AOL were in print, one would be scared to wrap dead fish in it. The fish would become uneatable. AOL simply pushes lies and garbage.
JOE STEVENS commented
Perhaps AOL employees should be required to use ONLY AOL services? Surely then AOL would find its way to "fix" this mess. About a week ago, I texted the HELP service and after explaining problems with the email/spam function, I was told (written) that my "AOL account was in the process of being "migrated" into the OATH system and there was nothing he could do." This was repeated twice when I pressed for a solution to my problems. Has anyone ever received a solution that worked when calling the AOL HELP service? I haven't either.
It's obvious AOL has no formal plan (tested and debugged before implementation) for changing the system AOL only responds to customer's complaints and ideas (which they request) to "upgrade" the system. Thoughtless and/or unresponsive actions are what AOL is providing its users. It's an amazing experience to feel the effects of replacing a system that worked most of the time with an unproved, untested system full of defects dependent upon its users' complaints/questions to debug it. This is NOT good!
AOL ... How about providing a function wherein one can create AOL email/calendar files transferable to another provider such as Outlook? Providers other than AOL do that. Is AOL frightened by that proposal's probable results? Does the term "sinking ship" ring any bells? -
bob k. commented
email has not worked properly in months now - so what does aol gold do ? - they add another unwanted , inconvenient , user unfriendly , + useless feature for deleting emails , while doing absoluetely Nothing to fix problems with EMAIL AT ALL !!! - nothing has been done in over 1 1/2 years now to inprove the FLAWED GOLD programs + to accommodate long time paying customers !
bob k. commented
why are you assuming that they have a brain ? - has totally passed the lowest point i've seen as 20+ year paying subscriber - but they are trying to brainwash us with their biased , untimely , + amateur reporting ! -
Anonymous commented
Totally correct, they are a bunch of miscreant reprobates in charge. Sad.