Make your mail system reliable. Unable to load mail try in 5 minutes. I have work to do!!!
Fix your e-mail

This issue has been resolved. Please restart AOL Desktop Gold and sign back on.
Anonymous commented
How much longer is the email problem going to take????????
Anonymous commented
Make e-mail work!
Anonymous commented
Concentrate on allowing me to access my emails, not on the gazillions of ads.
To call AOL Gold an "upgrade" is offensive. It's probably an upgrade as far as profits go, but when AOL mail becomes useless in the process, profits may not last for long. -
Bryant commented
Now that I am being forced to pay for AOL, I assumed it would improve. Have I been surprised ! Just the opposite !!
GOOD NEWS-E-mail is not working-I can't access my favorites-and the AOL settings aren't working either, but we know have AOL BACK GAMMON. Maybe they should raise monthly AOL FEE it will be so worth it. By the way I called AOL and after 34 minutes on hold and 3 minutes talking to BIGS an agent form the other side of the world.she hung up on me. For a company that operates on REOCCURRING
REVENUE they need to hire some engineers to fix their problems. -
kahuna commented
Bring back the old desktop. Gold is junk 1/2 the time doesn't work cant read e-mails or send them. then the folders wont appear. And you have the GUAL to charge $4.99 a month just to line some big shots pockets. what a piece of **** you are just going backwards not forward and we had this junk for 6 months. Get off your rear ends and fix all the problems
Anonymous commented
Ever since Verizon bought AOL I have had trouble with my email. Please stop messing with what used to be a valuable tool.
Anonymous commented
My gold has turned to lead and just stop working...You Folks NEED HELP. When will this madness stop!!! Working with this build is getting OLD FAST!!!
Anonymous commented
Fix sign on screen! One page like the former much better desktop. I am fed up with this version! Email not available half the time, SLOW sign on, advertising everywhere even though I am paying dearly for this service. You are heading down the sorry path that apple,google, facebook, and now microsoft have taken...IT"S AWFUL!!!
George Bosley commented
FIX IT !!!!!!!!! It doesn't work correctly!!!! FIX IT FIX IT FIX IT
Maximum Sign Co commented
Guess we have to switch to something that doesn't take up so much time to view or write emails. It's getting so rediculous. I'm a business and I spend more time now in the morning logging on and off several times before the frickin aol works halfway decent. Now that we all have to pay for someone's lousy idea of "Better" is just mind blowing. you definitely ripped us all off. ! and That's really rude and disrespectful.
Anonymous commented
make it work i had aol since beginning this is getting rediculous.
Anonymous commented
make it work i had aol since beginning this is getting rediculous.
MYRON S KULIK commented
We'll be
right back...Our engineers are working quickly to resolve the issue.
Thank you for your patience. -
Anonymous commented
I can't access my email. Please help ASAP
Deb commented
AOL Gold has not worked properly since I got it. I would rather have the AOL that I had prior to AOL Gold.
May be forced to go to competitors!!!
Anonymous commented
We are now paying for aol each month and since we started paying, we are constantly getting a message that says our email can't be sent and try again in 5 minutes and also that it can't save the message and to try again in 5 minutes. This is absolutely ridiculous. We are a business and rely on this service which does not even work.
Anonymous commented
Get some reliable help
Anonymous commented