Article Comment Section
In the article comment section, you used to be able to post a comment, then you could go back to an article and see if you've had a response to your comment by seeing if there's an indication by the bell.
Well now, when you go to the comment section, you can only see the TOP THREE comments. There's a "link" to view all of the comments. However, when you click it, it takes you to a pop-up screen. This pop-up screen has the same link to..view all comments. However, THIS link NEVER WORKS!!
So how are you supposed to see any of the comments. You can only see the top three.
And when you to down to the comments, what happened to the bell icon that shows you if you have a response to your comment? You can't get back into the full list of comments anymore.
I've complained about this basically every day through the...Report a Bug. Why can't you guys fix this bug? Take the format back to the way it used to be.
I don't like how there's a list at the bottom of the page with numerous articles that you can comment on, without having to read the article. Where's the sense in that?
The comment section updates are getting more and more ridiculous every day, and make no sense at all, LOL!!