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870 results found
NEVER EVER put in my news feed that Lamar Odom or any other person has slept with 2000+ women. Incredibly disrespectful. Shame on AOL. :(
The Lamar Odom headline came up first on my news feed and I couldn't get rid of it. Why would you ever think that's an appropriate news story? Why would you ever propagate such filth that is totally disrespectful to all women? For shame, AOL!! I never want the news feed to ever come up when I open the AOL app.
too much celeb gossip
you presume all your users are interested in tittle tattle
same comment as everyone else. content is ****. Ads disguised as news are annoying.
No consistent actual news. I don't want ads. prefer Google news feed.
App will only work in one orientation, with the cord cutting into my stomach. Hire a programmer who has enough brains to correct this!
technically inadequate
I suggest you get rid of the news of the useless British monarchy.
Down with the British peerage!!!
just stop all the localised **** x are rushing for this, x are expecting that, x have discovered this! it really is undermining society
more detail, how much more detail do you want
Please do not post stuff like the build a bare story. that should be a Facebook post not an article.
This is NOT news.... It should be a Facebook post.
NOT post pictures of the poor Auburn gymnast with her legs broken in your front page!!! they are horrific and traumatic, especially to kids!
you could have just posted the header or a picture of the gymnast BEFORE the accident. What is wrong with you people....
I am News me hereb.
show 'good news'!!!! there is plenty of negative stuff out there!!!!
I choose Happy, Positive Articles when I turn on AOL, however, when I have no choice, it gets boring!!!!
There are 3 sides to every story....
- Don't see your idea?