bring back Fox News as my preferred newslink.
there was a time where I could personalize my news links, now I see that I'm compelled to read what you want me to read!

Michael Chadburn commented
I just prefer Fox news.
Anonymous commented
Please take your medicine Leonard yourve got all the other nut jobs riled up
Leonard Kaul commented
Fox is state T.V. for the fascist Trump regime. Wake up!
lynette commented
Stop catering to bipartisan pressures! Youboffer your service to everyone regardless of the faith or color so you should offer a choice in the news you report!
Anonymous commented
Exactly. Constantly shoving **** in our faces
Daniel Cutro commented
Anonymous commented
lay off the President Trump hatred. I skip your home page altogether now
Anonymous commented
When the first or second idiot dies from bleach poisoning because they drank or swallowed some will the media go after Fredo's wife? No, they will not.
Anonymous commented
Your news is inaccurate and misleading at times. I prefer unbiased news and the truth that I get from Fox News.
Champ commented
Extremely biased news. Every time I open AOL it's mentioning anti American rhetoric or hating on the president. I don't need that kind of negativity in my life.
Richard commented
AOL has been publically asked to removr fake or slanted news. It would make no sense to use news from FOX or any
purposely slanted media outlet -
Judge Mental commented
Anonymous commented
too liberal
Patriot granny commented
finally turned off this left biased news
Jim Furry commented
Anonymous commented
I also want Fox & The Blaze for my info. If I want lies, I'll turn the tv on to all the other lame new(?) broadcasts
Anonymous commented
the news media and most journalists are biased to a fault. very tired of this nonsense.
Anonymous commented
Anonymous commented
not being neutral in reporting slanted left
Anonymous commented
I want to be able to personalize my news and feed content and change it as well