AOL App For Android
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Tell us how we can improve your AOL App experience. The more specific your feedback, the more useful for us. While we can’t respond to every suggestion, we review regularly and take them very seriously.
4116 results found
Please post more about Cardano and Bitcoin
I never see anything posted about Cardano or Bitcoin. Easily the most sought after code bases.
Charles Hoskinsonoskinson should be a global celebrity by now -
many stories or articles are days old, many are baseless without proper verification
head lines do not match the story, everything to grab a headline
Try making it user-friendly again
I asked why AOL on my Android now shows up as a Yahoo account. You asked for more info. there's no way to give it so I had to do a new post. And reading all these other comments is really making me wonder if it's time to shift to gmail after more than 25 years.
It took me nearly an hour to try and verify that my account was indeed mine! Really, I'm fed up with so many app providers insisting we cha
It took me nearly an hour to try and verify that my account was indeed mine!
Really, I'm fed up with so many app providers insisting we change our passwords. It makes me ready to just ditch my phone n android.
COVID-19 should be stressful enough than having undo stress added to it.Even this doesn't work.
It won't mail the mail. -
reduce the amount of non-essential stuff or give an option to receive what I am interested in. There is too much junk. Too many ads.
I don't read most of the stories as they take way to long to get through.
remove the shortcut to compose or make it optional...presently it's in the way to show dates of receipt of emails for me to send for proof.
the pen in a bubble has to go
go ***** your leftist DRAMA ********
you're all hiped up drama
internet security for email apps
default internet security attached to email app.
- Don't see your idea?