AOL App For Android
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Tell us how we can improve your AOL App experience. The more specific your feedback, the more useful for us. While we can’t respond to every suggestion, we review regularly and take them very seriously.
4116 results found
I suggest you better make a cup of tee
Because Coffee is too expensive.
lock my mail box so im the only one that can see the content
put a pin number or pattern to lock my emails
provide mail option: automatically forward all sent messages to a prearranged address.
like to keep record of out going emails on another device.
i would like to be able to adjust how often the app refreshes for new emails (ie every 2, 4, 6, 8 hours). this app drains a lot of battery
this app is constantly refreshing for new, incoming email using a lot of battery throughout the day. i want to be able to set the refresh rate.
make it easier to sign out ! It literally is a 5 step process ! wake up
too many steps to log out
stop jennifer a. lost brad pitt. she is getting news of herself since his divorce. lousy actress
useless actress
Kenneth Tobey Actor
When Did Actor Kenneth Tobey Become a Natural Blond?
Fix the Go Button next to the search bar, which doesn't go anywhere except to a drop down menu which offers bookmark or save password.
fix the Go Button next to the search bar. it doesn't work and is useless and very annoying when searching for something.
NEVER EVER put in my news feed that Lamar Odom or any other person has slept with 2000+ women. Incredibly disrespectful. Shame on AOL. :(
The Lamar Odom headline came up first on my news feed and I couldn't get rid of it. Why would you ever think that's an appropriate news story? Why would you ever propagate such filth that is totally disrespectful to all women? For shame, AOL!! I never want the news feed to ever come up when I open the AOL app.
Needs better format!
Needs a better design layer and format.
- Don't see your idea?