AOL App For Android
This forum is for you to make product suggestions and provide thoughtful feedback. We’re always trying to improve our products and we can use the most popular feedback to make a positive change!
This forum is not monitored for any support-related issues. If you need assistance of any kind, please visit our help site.
Tell us how we can improve your AOL App experience. The more specific your feedback, the more useful for us. While we can’t respond to every suggestion, we review regularly and take them very seriously.
737 results found
Stop this on my phone. I never put this app on my phone. too many interruptions and ads Not of interest.
this was not my recovery phone number or verification. I will reach out to AOL
We’re sorry to hear about that. To uninstall the app, hold down on the App’s icon until the Uninstall option appears.
Thanks for your feedback. To manage the auto play option, please go to Settings > Video Autoplay.
Get app working
How do you clear app cache? Turned data on, didn't work.
In order to help you with this issue, please go to Settings > Apps > AOL App > Storage > Clear cache.
Here’s how to reply to an email:
1. Tap the Mail icon
2. Tap the message you want to reply to
3. Tap the Reply icon
4. Tap Reply (the option before “X”)
5. Enter your message.
6. Tap the Send icon
allow Android's clipboard content to be pasted into an an aol email using the WRITE function. Gmail allows should aol.
allow clipboard content to be pasted into aol email on Android.
The option to paste content from the clipboard into the compose mail in the AOL App, is available.
After you copy the content, open an email compose window in the AOL App, and long press inside the email body area, until the ‘Paste’ pop-up option appears.
If you do not see the Paste pop-up in the email body, uninstall and reinstall the AOL App and try again.
Thanks for reaching out. To change the news source, go to Settings > Edition.
I have a couple of troubleshooting steps for you that should resolve this issue:
1. If you’re signed in, tap the Settings icon, tap Manage Accounts, then tap Edit, tap Remove
2. Restart your mobile device
3. Uninstall and reinstall the app with the latest version
4. Lastly, switch the internet connection from WiFi to mobile dataAfter you’ve performed these steps, should you still encounter this issue, please reach out to our support team at
Hi AOL, please allow attachment of PDF. Reason: A lot of professional communication uses PDF attachments.
Highly annoying being forced to switch to PDF to share documents e.g. with my builder or lawyer.
Otherwise good email system and adds are not too much disturbing yet.
Thanks for reaching out. You should be able to attach PDF files in the AOL app. Click on the Paperclip icon and select the first option. From there go to your device and select the desired PDF file.
Why did my previous aol app stop working? I didn't know it until I stopped receiving email! Will I lose anything if I remove the old app?
Why did my previous aol app stop working? I didn't know it until I stopped receiving email! Will I lose anything if I remove the old app?
Thanks for reaching out. The emails are stored on our servers and the are connected to your account. Uninstalling the AOL app will not delete your emails.
Help! In my spam I have multiple "delivery status notification (failure). I hadn't sent an email in weeks until today.
delivery failure on email I never sent
Thanks for reaching out. This next article should help you with your issue:
If you wish the entire app to be in Portuguese, you will need to change your location to Brazil, or a Portuguese speaking country and also to set up the language to Portuguese.
As much as I would like to help you directly, for security concerns, we do not handle billing information through this forum. This article may answer your questions: If you have additional questions, call the AOL Billing Team at 1-800-827-6364 Monday – Friday (8 AM to 1 AM ET,) and Saturday (8 AM and 10 PM ET.)
let me know.jow.i can deleate this app? as I have NO USE for! Also I never look at it ever.
what I sent is what I mean. how much clearer does..
Deleate the App from my cell phone have to be?If you no longer wish to use the AOL App, simply uninstall it.
and give option to prevent the dang control freak google from sincing my aol mail to there ****** gmail. it awful and you mimicking the ****
I'm really unhappy with this app. think I'll go to aol online mail and recreate the website mail login page and go back to using it. hope you dont have that screwed up too. the more they change the worse it gets.
Please follow the steps provided in the ‘Stop importing emails’ section:
Thank you!
To update your inbox simply drag down with your finger on your inbox screen. If you are having trouble updating, please follow the troubleshooting steps provided below:
1. Clear the app’s cache
2. If you’re signed in, tap the Settings icon, tap Manage Accounts, then tap Edit, tap Remove
3. Restart your mobile device
4. Uninstall and reinstall the app with the latest version
5. Lastly, switch the internet connection from WiFi to mobile data -
I have a couple of troubleshooting steps for you that should resolve this issue:
1. Clear the app’s cache
2. If you’re signed in, tap the Settings icon, tap Manage Accounts, then tap Edit, tap Remove
3. Restart your mobile device
4. Uninstall and reinstall the app with the latest version
5. Lastly, switch the internet connection from WiFi to mobile data
After you’ve performed these steps, should you still encounter this issue, please reach out to our support team at -
Feedback item NOT CLOSED!!!
Status update - SEE BOTTOM!! (NOT CLOSED!!!)
An idea you supported has been closed. Thank you for your feedback.
Give feedback on other ideas to help us decide what to build next.
allow Android's clipboard content to be pasted into an an aol email using the WRITE function. Gmail allows should aol.
(No Status) → Responded
The option to paste content from the clipboard into the compose mail in the AOL App, is available.After you copy the content, open an email compose window in the AOL App, and long press inside the email body area,…
Hi there, I want to see if I can help you resolve the issue, but I need a bit more details of what is happening when you try to paste. Do you have the option to paste? Please send me an email at along with all these details. Thanks!
In order to help you, please try to to power cycle your phone.
Here’s how:
1. Press and Hold the Power button.
2. Select Shut-down.
3. After the phone is completely shut-down, press and hold the power button for a few seconds until the screen lights-up.If you still encounter issues, please try a quick uninstall and reinstall of the app.
Thanks for reaching out. You can change the news source by going to Settings > Edition.
there is no not Spam icon in the Spam folder. When I try to move emails I see a -hyphen or negative icon. Clicking on it made the email go
negative icon in Spam folder causes not Spam emails to disappear.
Please select an email form your Spam folder. After that, tap on the three horizontal dots on the upper right corner (next to the Trash icon and the open Envelope icon). From here you can mark the emails as not spam, move/flag them.
- Don't see your idea?