Stop being so libral.
Middle of the road.

Joy Chambers commented
Sick of you trashing our President!!
Anonymous commented
being an independent, you guys only seem to print allegations if there's a republican involved... why not get some answers about the lies Adam Schiff told in front of the Senate...or the masoginistic statements by a young Bernie Sanders or Michael Bloomberg...or the lies Elizabeth Warren has told trying to get the sympathy vote...your one sided press is driving me and many other independents to the GOP... ironically they're going to get the "sympathy" vote.
curt commented
too biased
Anonymous commented
I guess I need a fat crayon to draw it out for you.
Walter Naftzger commented
Hire fair Epoch Times writers!!
Don't make up slanted reports!
Anonymous commented
stop being left wing trump haters.
Anonymous commented
self explanatory
Anonymous commented
report substance not opinion
Patriot Juan commented
AOL is a biased lying misinformation machine . Verizon ownership you are asleep at the wheel
Anonymous commented
Focus on High Rents,Low S S. and not focus just on Trump. The Country is filled with so many problems.Try covering World Trade Center Illnes
A Tijerina commented
Clean house.
Jeffrey Perkins commented
Have stories from both sides or just not have stories at all. The left has ruined the country, don't let them ruin AOL. I don't want to change emails after nearly 20 years with this one.
tired of it commented
all negative opinions of the right side of the aisle
J commented
Stop these ridiculously biased news stories
David commented
If it is to be news, you should put less opinion into it. If you instead label it opinion or editorial, no problem. So unprofessional. You should be (but probably aren't) ashamed of yourselves. Shame, shame, shame.
Anonymous commented
Balanced news for a change
A. Deplorable commented
AOL heavy liberal bias makes me sick!
Randy Thornton commented
My email should not be the venue for your leftist political bias.
Tommy commented
You pick and choose tidbits & snippets to post forwarding your own agenda. I like your app but forcing your views on others - just sucks.
Norm commented
there are 2 sides to every story. Quote Fox News sometimes. Stop being hippies.