allow your subscribers to opt out of receiving any local or national news when in your app. As a mentally disabled person I avoid it.
Anonymous commented
Die Startseite der Aol-App sollte vom Anwender festgelegt werden können. Bisher startet die App mit der News-Seite. Eine dauerhafte Festlegung der Startseite mit dem Email-Postfach wäre wünschenswert.
Anonymous commented
fake news and ********
fuck you commented
I just want to see my mail with no advertisements....I don't need news being shoved down my throat all day... if I'm interested in news I'll go look at it. I download the app to see my junkmail
Chuck commented
make email the default when opening the app.
serge commented
no news broadcast for me please
me commented
please let me get rid of ads and news stories. i want aol for email only
Anonymous commented
Let users turn off news stories. I get my news from Broadcast Stations. I dont want to read it on a cell phone. Much of what you have is not news I care about.
b commented
I want to immediately see my emails, not your news stories.
Karin commented
pop up news unwanted
walter commented
Mail Only Please! No News!
leavemealone commented
just leave me alone unless I have an email
Anonymous commented
You should be a portal for email I send, and that sent to me. That's all I need or want from you.
Anonymous commented
too much garbage
Anonymous commented
show email inbox first, not news
Ted Evers commented
Too much peripheral stuff!
Zekson commented
All explained in the suggestion up there
Terry Bayma commented
just stop the propaganda8
I hate your news feed and no way to turn it off.
Anonymous commented
stop sending me news weather and sports
Mad as Hell commented
Stop the insanity