Hire an individual who actually has command of the English Language and Grammer. Your current display of "Headlines" is atrocious!
The Individuals posting your headlines need replacing. AOL should be embarrassed by such awful errors in Grammer. I am available for Hire! I suggest you take a look at what was posted today.

Sigault commented
relisez vos articles avant de les publier il y a de nombreuses fautes d'orthographe dignes d'un élève du primaire, sans parler de la syntaxe, c'est lamentable !
Anton commented
fix spell check
Louis Gaydosh commented
It's Jeff Sessions, not Session. -
Anonymous commented
institute Spell check. pleaseeeee
Anonymous commented
You might wanna check your spelling. Grammar is not spelled correctly. No e.
Anonymous commented
you people can't read
David commented
Anonymous commented
have an icon next to each article to report errors. a click on the icon will pop up a small area to type in a brief description of grammar / spelling errors. Have an AOL employee read them immediately and correct the errors as soon as possible.
Stephanie commented
For everyone complaining that this guy misspelled 'grammar,' please keep in mind that this person isn't claiming to be an acclaimed journalist. He isn't having articles published on an app used by millions of people each day. He's just asking for the news to at least put an effort into being professional. There's no reason anyone has to have Head Copy Editor level skills in order to comment on the quality of writing coming from people who are likely getting paid lots of money for their 'work.' Relax.
Anonymous commented
For someone who can't spell the word "grammer" , you have some nerve trying to reprimand others on the same subject.
Unanimous more than Anonymous commented
Editors or BETTER editors needed!
Anonymous commented
most of your "news" seems more like gossip and when headlines use poor Grammer it really makes you think this organization is run by the morons...
Anonymous commented
how can you degrade the language so continuously with constant spelling, grammar and accuracy mistakes?
Anonymous commented
Anonymous commented
You misspelled the word "grammar" in your post
JOKO KOKO commented
isra commented
I can't even log into my account !
everyday I must change my password because aol doesn't recognize it
so aol says when I try to log in !!!
I need help ! -
Susan commented
Grammar ends with AR not ER!
c commented
Many articles have spelling mistakes
wayne commented
gi away