AOL Widget isn't working correctly, the Mail account is not syncing and the articles are not loading, case no. 09059676
Widget not working correctly

Please try switching the internet connection from WiFi to mobile data or vice-versa. If the issue still persists, please send us an email at with more details.
Anonymous commented
My aol story headlines are coming in but when I click on stories I'm getting a black screen have to delete aol and then restore last 24 hrs and have to repeat to get stories.
Anonymous commented
I have installed the AOL mobile app in my android phone. However, it keeps loading instead of showing me the icons to see weather, watch news and video and likewise it doesn't let me do anything but stare at the load turning circle.
Mike Dillon commented
you should allow people to turn in hackers, do you know have hacked a personal friend's account and are using it for profit and gain
AOL app isn't working on my new Moto g 5g
AOL isn't opening on my MotoG 5g. It just spins after I log in. No news, email
Case #22975421. VERY FRUSTRATED WITH AOL APP ON MY PHONE. I can log into AOL on my computer but not on my phone. Endless cycle of uninstalling the app, re-installing, changing the password, and all I keep getting is an endless cycle of trying unsuccessfully to log-in to my email dozens of time and getting a white screen at news feed page (no news or anything shows) and a solid black screen on email log in screen (can't get beyond this screen). After being with a customer service rep for an hour tonight with no luck at all solving the issue I was told to enter in my comments in feedback, wait 24 hours and if it still doesn't work to call back. This site says "This forum is not monitored for any support-related issues" but when I go to the help site there is no box for me to specifically submit a request for assistance.
Ralf Knarren commented
Alte Nachrichten in den News
Anonymous commented
Fehler der Startseite
Kathe Wunderlich commented
your tech support couldn't fix it on my Android phone. all news items except those from Yahoo will openv
Anonymous commented
after first deleat all then more messages pop up , have to repeat process 6 times this am incuduing messages from last month that should have been deleated in the weeks before . dosn't work right !!
kakouf commented
when I want to open an article nothing happen white screen. since a week now.
Anonymous commented
Each day, I receive intriguing headlines at the top of my phone from AOL news, when I click on the headlines, I am taken to a black screen. I have never been able to access AOL news from any tantalizing headline. your app seems broken to me.
Anonymous commented
App stopped in middle of the story.
Ron commented
Bad info links
Anonymous commented
le fil d'actualités est devenu inaccessible dès lors que la visualisation détaillée au-delà du simple titre est souhaitée
Kim commented
article not available 🚫
Bernard Sauvage commented
Il m'est impossible d'ouvrir les liens se rapportant aux articles.
Ted commented
p. hicks commented
just get it to work..
SIMON RADOM commented
news items won't open in AOL- just a blank page but sometimes it gives an option to open in Chrome which works ok- please sort out this bug!