AOL Widget isn't working correctly, the Mail account is not syncing and the articles are not loading, case no. 09059676
Widget not working correctly
Please try switching the internet connection from WiFi to mobile data or vice-versa. If the issue still persists, please send us an email at with more details.
Colette Van Sertima commented
some links open occasionally but most of them don't so I am unable to read any of them. why has AOL service declined. I have an Android phone
Patricia commented
I am using an updated browser.
Anonymous commented
Julia commented
Can read the headlines but the stories never load
Anonymous commented
News items do not display
Phil Earland commented
Get it sorted ASAP
aolsucksbbc commented
push notifications dont work..I click on article and it never loads..I have to click on aol mail then back on article
DG commented
UK news feeds do not display
Anonymous commented
Pointless posting stories
Anonymous commented
I like looking through your headline, but I have an ongoing problem when I click on the link. They, almost always, refuse to open. It would be nice if you could fix this please.
Anonymous commented
when you go to open an email the heading comes up but not the actual email. also in the news you go to open a story and theres no words
Anonymous commented
Fault with app
Anonymous commented
Nigel Dumbrell commented
News stories issue
Anonymous commented
when I click on a story load the content
[Deleted User] commented
operation problems
Nicole commented
i use the AOL app in my phone to access aol news and my emails. i cannot open any articles on the main page. i can press on it to open, i get a blank screen then nothing for more than 10 minutes, it just doesn't open the article. i have tried restarting the phone to no avail.
Anonymous commented
so annoying
Anonymous commented
click on articals to read only to get a blank page
Anonymous commented
Any time I select a news notification, the app opens to a white screen, freezes, then crashes.