AOL Widget isn't working correctly, the Mail account is not syncing and the articles are not loading, case no. 09059676
Widget not working correctly
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Anonymous commented
fix blank pages
Anonymous commented
All my emails are ot working, why?
Pegdewi7, p.dewine, -
Anonymous commented
Your have shut down my emails. Why?
Anonymous commented
most) headline links don't work
Anonymous commented
Can't open news articles
Anonymous commented
Get it so you can see it.
Anonymous commented
Can't read further than the headline, bit pointless
Anonymous commented
AOL is diffinately Anti Trump & I am 100% for Trump plus I get sound on all other web sites but AOL! What's up with that? Most of your political news makes me want to puke!
Mark commented
I cant sign in to my accounts even with tech support. You suggest I open a new account! I cant even get in to close my accounts. Emails are still being recieved! Ridiculous!!
Anonymous commented
I hope you are not selling my email
address to other ad bots -
Richard commented
news storys rarely open