AOL Widget isn't working correctly, the Mail account is not syncing and the articles are not loading, case no. 09059676
Widget not working correctly
Please try switching the internet connection from WiFi to mobile data or vice-versa. If the issue still persists, please send us an email at with more details.
Anonymous commented
I prefer to keep it simple.
Patrick commented
fst commented
...verschenkte Lebenszeit durch Seiten die sich nicht öffnen )-:
neil commented
option to select UK news
Anonymous commented
as above
Anonym commented
Anonymous commented
fix blank news feed
Yvette commented
Anonymous commented
same as heading... won't load the news streams
Anonymous commented
I'll do as you said and if it doesn't work I'll just wait till you all fix it no biggie
fluffy commented
Stories funktionieren nicht
waldemar commented
Auf Deutschland eingestellte Seite macht leseartikeln nicht auf. Aber auf anderes Land eingestellt funktioniert alles gut, nur man versteht leider kein Wort
Katja commented
Links anklickbar machen. Geht bei mir nicht
Werner Kirschner commented
Nachrichten öffnen.
Anonymous commented
not functioning properly
Anonymous commented
click on notification and no matter how good my signal is, it NEVER opens
Stickie commented
Story did not open
Reflota commented
Es ist ein Fehler! Keine Idee.
abdhak commented
when you click on a story just gives a blank page half the time really poor it's been doing it for ages and they haven't sorted it
Tracey commented
Mail only opens up partially