sometimes I don't get my email until the next day and emails that I've always gotten are ending up in my spam box. this is not good for me.

Anonymous commented
I have some emails that are REPEATEDLY getting flagged as "We think this is spam" no matter how many times I click "It's safe." WHAT DOES IT TAKE FOR YOU TO GET IT THROUGH YOUR ALGORITHMS?!?!?
Carlos Rodriguez commented
configurar spam
Barbara Glover commented
legitimate emails going to spam
Liberty commented
sender censorship
Anonymous commented
it's not a idea I'm losing all of my important emails all of my emails go to spam how do I fix this answer the question question
Anonymous commented
fix spam problems pls.
Anonymous commented
I want to receive my Amazon orders that are currently going to the spam filter.
Anonymous commented
if I move email from spam to inbox it should then prevent all subsequent emails from the same sender to end up in spam.
Anonymous commented
non Spam emails continue to be
flaged as spam!
Anonymous commented
There is no way to mark a sender as safe or "not spam," nor is there a way to create a rule in the app to send emails from a sender or group to the inbox. You can create a rule on the desktop version to send emails to a folder, but it does not give you Inbox as a folder option. If you can't add a rules option to the app, at least fix the rules feature on the desktop .
Anonymous commented
Counter on all folders. Ability to have old layout for app.
dan commented
Juanita Robinson commented
rubbish spam filters
Anonymous commented
send all my email to inbox. don't send some directly to spam
Anonymous commented
I'm not a programmer
Anonymous commented
Something has changed with Spam folder. Put it back like it was. If I restore something, let it stay restored! ebay is not Spam!
Anonymous commented
Go directly to inbox when inbox is tapped and have emails in the inbox not spam
Anonymous commented
email being sent to my spam folder that do not belong there
Anonymous commented
If I mark a message as "not spam", don't keep putting new messages from the same sender into the spam folder.
Anonymous commented
I want the option of going to aol email and selecting what I want: new mail, old mail, sent mail, etc. once I've read a new mail ( in the event it hasn't all ready gone to spam) it is automatically going to spam.