Get rid of the stories that make you hit "NEXT" 27 times to read it... Annoying!
Sanford commented
Yes, these "click next" stories/photos/etc. heavy-handed advertising vehicles are quite annoying.
JLDean commented
Such "NEXT Page" stories appear interating, but are long, drawn out and eventually, not very interesting at all. further, I don't appreciate being mislead by you.
BOB KRAMPETZ commented
Yes! I cancel all "continue next page" as I find them
Anonymous commented
So annoying and it usually ends up being an hour long mess of misinformation.
Anonymous commented
very annoying to read the same leadin to the story before it says what the story is
Anonymous commented
Anonymous commented
just Google it.
Anonymous commented
it is very annoying to open your computer or your phone and have to go thru all of this deleteing before you can us it.
Anonymous commented
I agree
It is annoying. I don't read them anymore. -
Sue Murtland commented
this uses a lot of minutes and other ads interrupt with other 'next' tabs to click on. sometime I never get to the end of the story I started. I've used AOL since the beginning & still pay monthly
Anonymous commented
Why when I click on an article to read.. do I have to endure half of the related pictures or videos being overwhelmed by ads.
Then having to click again to read the next bit.. I am getting to the point where I just don't bother.
I understand that ads bring revenue etc but at the cost of the users annoyance it'll end up that there'll be no users if it gets any worse.
I for one at present do not enjoy Using this service for news etc. -
Anonymous commented
I do not like this app when you hit next a commercial come up what a waste of my time.
see email address commented
Please stop the hit "next" stories AND the "Royals" stories and the Trump bashing! WHO CARES!!
Sue commented
i just want to read the stuff, not have to keep waiting for the 'next' page to load.
Anonymous commented
I agree. Should not take forever to read one article, bombarded with ads. This makes me less likely to ready article.
Anonymous commented
Very annoying and time consuming.
Judy commented
Yes get rid of THE NEXT stories that you have to hit 20 or more times
Jyvjygkuh commented
John Fletcher commented
***** Google & these ads.
Gma commented
what I do is Google the story once I have the headline.