your news is just left wing anti Christian,we get it, you hate Jesus,unborn children and any Christian value . Yes we know you hate Trump
what are you afraid of? Offer people option to comment under articles ,or are you afraid to be called out for lying

yeah, we get it: anyone who disagrees with you politically is a baby-murdeing Jesus-hating pedo. except, none of that is true. Jesus fed the hungry and visited the sick and cared for the wayfarer and poor, unlike Trump. But much more like myself and my friends.
anonymous commented
WE.. "we the people"
who are WE?
only some count as WE anymore.....
devided WE fail... -
Porgy Tirebiter commented
Got no problem with god, its his fan clubs that scare the **** outta me. Bunch of batshit crazy idiots who haven't a clue white people are not indigenous to the Americas. Doesn't bother em in the least that A Jackson was a genocidal maniac, or that we stole the southwest at gunpoint from the Mexicans. No, y'all think.whitey has been here forever. Xians are scarier than everyone except wahabists. You're all batshit crazy. Freaking hubris y'all display is just over the top.
Anonymous commented
I am tired of all the one sided infomation on the President and every political representative in the House, GOPs , Senate what ever. Trump called out on the Stimulus plans on how our monies was being budgeted and was planned to be distributed to other countries who had stupid plans, ideas and projects, even to organizations that weren't even open for business and Americans only getting $600 per person, and I say hopefully real American citizens. Business suffering, people with limited income using up their savings and still not much of anything at the end of their budget, sometimes holding on to $12 until that pay check comes in. Billions and billions going to other countries for nonsensical use. I like to read more on that subject, what is really going on and how its affecting "We the people" of this country. I think many of Americans have grown up enough to hear the whole truth. The others still want to hear the bedtime stories, those who dont give two cents what happens to this country because their ties are to their native country, that's where they fall back on anytime they can. I don't have another country to call home, this country is my home. If it starts to sink I'll have to sink with her there's no where else to go, America is my only home ,so I don't want even the news to mess it or my country up. Speak, write report the Truth for once and for all. were tired!!! .
anti trump commented
there's no such thing as christian, god, Jesus so shove it up your *** ******
Nate Fisher commented
aol you should be ashamed!!!!!!!
Anonymous commented
sick of your left wing liberal blather.
Anonymous commented
Anonymous commented
- commented
decent people do not hate Trump is the best thing that's happened to this country
- commented
you are very biased
James Arkills commented
Yes I hate Trump. He is a liar, and a Racist. How much worse can you get. The Devel himself. Check your information. You'll be surprised how much you're missing. I am a Christian, and I believe in God Almighty! Creator of ALL things seen, and unseen.
Anonymous commented
It's very telling that everyone on here says I've had AOL since 1990 okay yeah you're all old we got it. When 98% of the news stations are reporting the same thing and 2% are not maybe it's you guys that are delusional and not everyone else. Even Fox news is anti-Trump at this point Even Tucker Carlson is calling BS. The right has been so brainwashed by Trump's lies and your racism. notice everything you say is oh you guys are anti white no they're not anti white They are pro equality for everyone. The fact that you don't like reality is not a reason that AOL is not a good news source.
Anonymous commented
just a president , like Trump, can make America great.
Anonymous commented
I agree.
Anonymous commented
I totally disagree with the Popes views. I think he needs to actually READ his Bible.
Anonymous commented
God has no time for stuped
Anonymous commented
I totally agree. AOL is left wing crazy
Anonymous commented
Anonymous commented
Hes escaped again Leonard Kaul, extremely dangerous now he hasn't taken medicine for days and is in what we call a delusional vortex he doesnt know what hes saying, last seen trying to walk back to China to be with his family