May I ask why I receive continuous Ads when using my (payed) AOL Mail account? Yes I suggest you send Ads elsewhere and not to my email.
Thanks for the feedback.
We’re really sorry to hear your displeasure with the advertising on the AOL App. In order for AOL to offer things like web content and products, we need to sell advertising just like any newspaper, magazine or television station would.
But we certainly don’t want to get to a point where we start to lose our valued audience, so your feedback is greatly valued.
Anonymous commented
WAY WAY WAY too many emails I do not want but am unable to cancel the "subscription'
Anonymous commented
you should be able to simply click on the box on the left in the list of emails and have a block option. reporting as spam DOES NOTHING to stop them.
Anonymous commented
option to have spam deletted automatically save people having spam mounting up in spam box. into the thousands if left over a few days
Mike commented
block spam senders
Tee commented
recent change of advertisement opening behind emails as you stroll; no option to open AOL in email instead of News. AOL was great, that's changing. Very disappointing.
Anonymous commented
block spam
Hazel commented
Stronger spam settings
Michelle Reiter commented
Stronger Spam Detection
Anonymous commented
95% of my emails are spam. Fix your spam filter
scipionnet commented
dossier disparu
Anonymous commented
Block the Spam I haven't looked or gotten nothing from these places or people!
Anonymous commented
Block emails or blacklist them.
Anonymous commented
stop spam!
Anonymous commented
spam. too much spam emails
Anonymous commented
too much spam
Anonymous commented
I keep getting spam with the same subject over and iver again
Anonymous commented
Allow users on the mobile devices to correct where their replies to emails are received by changing the fake email address under the "filters" settings button. Hackers create new email addresses that look like the user's email address. So when the user compose a new email message, their replies go to that fake email address. Add that "Filter Button" and other functions under settings. PLEASE! I need my emails to work properly. I pay you guys to correct these issues.
Anonymous commented
block emails and permanently delete
Michael commented
Jeden Tag 25 Spams
Barb commented
stop sending me mail that claims to be sent by me but is not. everyday 2 identical emails from so scam on making fortunes. 4 yrs now.