stop siding with racist terrorist groups like blm and antifa and act like an Americam

Anonymous commented
Queen Anita i take it you didn't have a productive night looting you seem upset
Anonymous commented
like the *** just different name ********
Anonymous commented
Every article you post has such a liberal spin it makes me sick. post facts or nothing at all and keep your opinions to yourself.
Queen Anita W-Hardy commented
These Comments R Racists
Something that y'all Inherited from your family tree black lives matters
We R not the ones
Who created racism y'all don't even know what it stands for
y'all have so much bitter and racists
In your brains an Blood
y'all can't see to well from your denials an Delusions BLM was created because
Of your racist white family history tree
white supremacy people u know
The cowards
Who bust In
The Capitol the so called
White Americans
Scared to lose their lily-white power who's going to be extinct soon white folks who can't get along with nobody who's non-white y'all going to be the minority you're afraid of
What y'all did to other cultures it's going to turn around and do it to y'all when everybody else team up and Destroy every one of you racist Whitey's -
Anonymous commented
Twitter suspended the POTUS and not terrorist threatening our country!
Anonymous commented
boogaloo 5000
Anonymous commented
I'm tired of all media siding with the left Democratic group. too much bias for the extreme left
Anonymous commented
BLM/ANTIFA/DEMOCRATS = COMMUNIST RUN RACIST ORGANIZATIONS! Black Lives DO NOT Matter more than any other race. Their name alone tells anyone with 1/4 of a brain they're RACIST! DEFUND MSM, HOLLYWOOD, PRO Convicted Felons ATHLETES
Anonymous commented
stop being Neo socialists neo-Nazi fake stream media liars and haters. there are far more Christian law-abiding God-fearing adults in the world than there are childish narcissistic greedy ***'s.
Anonymous commented
I agree wholeheartedly. Please don't send or show me anything that has to do with the anti crowd demonstrating. I'm not interested at all.
Stuart Roberts commented
most of these comments are more accurate than all journalism
Anonymous commented
The news media now days I feel promotes hate and racism.
Nate Fisher commented
I agree. This country is in trouble anyway. with Antifa, BLM, and the socialist demo party in charge be careful what you wish for.
Anonymous commented
Wow so biased AOL. Proud boys were protecting Trump supporters. Antifa did the stabbings and they had the taser. you are disgusting in your reporting.
mark eshenbaugh commented
**** liberals
Anonymous commented
u have already said I would
Anonymous commented
AOL is a **** show for news. wrong side of history. liberal ideas are like a mental health disorder.
Anonymous commented
Why so much fake news? All agenda from a narrative that is false. when you start posting facts not loaded with fake narratives I will read it. Until then its just wasted media
Anonymous commented
Anonymous commented