Instead of making me "upgrade" the aol email page which ONLY showed emailz I know have to put up with a (expletive deleted) home page
not interested in upgrade

Queen Anita W-Hardy commented
I've been with AOL for many many years and
The reason why
I stay with them against other people trying to convince me to leave
AOL alone
I don't like commercial ads
I stayed
I don't like the fact that you're upgrading
My emails
I got commercial ads
It's annoying
I like
My email change back
The way It was
y'all want to upgrade ask the customers if they want to keep the current email layout or if
They want to upgrade
It should be
The customer's choice
AOL shouldn't take It upon themselves to speak for me and make decisions on how
My email should look that's
My choice and you took that away from me
I want to change my email back to
The old way
All change Is not good change
I mean y'all took
My rights away from me
I like as my regular routine
I hate the new upgrade
I want my old upgrade back without commercial ads
I'm looking to find somewhere where I can file a complaint against this because I don't like it I don't think it was fair for them to just change it without informing me I would need to make that decision not AOL it's my email that I've used and I have three of them
Please Fix