quit with the liberal talking points I JUST NEED MY EMAIL
Anonymous commented
I am so sick of these stupid AOL articles calling every opinion that is their liberal opinion a "conspiracy theory". Get over yourselves! Just because I don't want to believe everything the biased media tries to sell us, doesn't mean I'm a conspiracy theorist. What happened to real investigative journalism? You remember, when journalists used to actually work to find the facts before they wrote it, instead of just writing what they are told to believe.
Anonymous commented
tired of seeing all your left sided ****. I just want my email. if you would post both sides I wouldn't have a problem. but right now you are the problem
Anonymous commented
Stop with the far left propaganda. Report balanced news or none at all.
Anonymous commented
I don't want to see your liberal ****..just want to use email
Anonymous commented
Stop with the extreme left POV. I want fair and balanced news.
Anonymous commented
AOL is a Democrat organization with no truth to their stories
Al commented
Democrats are destroying the middle class way of life. Im sick of no tolerance for opposing ideas. Nazi Germany started like this!
Anonymous commented
No kidding, Liberal **** and no way to respond to the lies..
Christopher Kramer commented
I'm sorry I ever downloaded vour app
Anonymous commented
Another media company showing its biassed far left agenda.
Anonymous commented
agree. shut down the left wing rhetoric and lies
Anonymous commented
I agree. The news here is disgustingly biased.
buckman commented
its a shame that all you post is fake liberal news garbage
J Wolfe commented
I am neither liberal nor conservative, but I absolutely resent and despise your constant bickering and lies and opinions that every conservative is evil and that every liberal is wonderful. You are not only offending groups of conservatives who would otherwise potentially be patrons of some of your advertisers, but you are hurting your own users by continually and unfairly maligning others with whom you disagree. Smarten up AOL. There's an ever-increasing silent majority that's about had it with mainstream media, and with you and your constant whining and misinformation and is about ready to help AOL become a dinosaur in the past, extinct, useless except as fossil fuel in our hybrid gas tanks. Seriously, quit whining and contributing to the hatred, animosity and horrific environment you have all helped to create in this formerly great country. This isn't a political forum for me and for others. This is a simple way to get our email. I'm seriously thinking of just using my Google and other email accounts and disposing of you, since you clearly only want liberal users in your pocket, and don't want my money or business. Think about it. There are far more people like me than there are outspoken liberals out there. Smarten up AOL. You're losing market share for a reason. This country is done.
Anonymous commented
just want my emails, don't want the fake news
Tony commented
Why don't you put some honest coverage up like the Washington Times or the Epoch Times instead of this regurgitated BS?!
Tony commented
nonna commented
your stupid news is annoying. just give me emails
Anonymous commented
Anonymous commented
Why do I need to go to the hassle of subscribing to a log of complaints about the same thing- stupid liberal news. I simply dropped Yahoo News, same garbage as AOL News. I'll be looking at Google email and dumping my Verizon AOL email very shortly.