Please restore the formatting you changed from in the past few weeks. The previous format was easy to use and the current format is terrible
The new mail format is terrible. Please restore the formatting you changed. This is a service we pay for every month and the new format is not worth paying for v

Anonymous commented
I can not tell what is old versus archived. Plus too. easy to accidentally sideswipe and delete a mail when scrolling down.
Anonymous commented
Das neue AOL ist nervig, unübersichtlich und kostet Zeit, die ich nicht habe. Ich verlange von Ihnen, dass Sie Ihren Kunden selbst überlassen, welches AOL sie nutzen möchten.
Anonymous commented
Worst format ever! I have had AOL for over 20 years.
Istore commented
Terrible, why fix something that is not broken other than justify a software engineer job? It's shocking how stupid it is
Anonymous commented
I agree. This new format is horrible!
Cinda Alloway commented
new format horrid.
Anonymous commented
je veux l'ancien format celui ci est pourri
Anonymous commented
new format sucks
Anonymous commented
I totally agree this new format Sinks. I go to mail sent and it doesn't give me the message I am responding to with address etc. I can't delete all message at one time as before, who's idea was this they must be kidding. I hate to start over with new email address after many years as AOL user but, I don't know how much longer I will deal with this format.
Anonymous commented
used to be able to click multiple emails I was not going to open and send them straight to trash, can't find that option any more. Don't like the new format at all
Anonymous commented
need my email and folders.
nan commented
I so agree!
Anne Pearl commented
Please go back to the old format this is terrible!!! It wasn't broken didn't need fixing!!!
Anonymous commented
I can't search my emails. please restore search option.
Anonymous commented
I do not like this new format at all. please set it back to old format. It's very busy and ******* the eyes. I miss my restore button for letters, where did it go?
Anonymous commented
Is there anyway I can restore my lost folders?
Anonymous commented
Michael commented
Anonymous commented
this formst sucks, get my original back
EJM commented
Please Go Back 😡