Old format so much better.
Old format was much easier to use. Was it really necessary to change?

Keith commented
I just upgraded to 6.0 AOL & new version doesn't allow to search a word/phrase in a specific Mail Folder. We need this feature back.
Anonymous commented
new system sucks
Anonymous commented
old version work perfectly fine bring it back. New version like many people say is terrible. so many issues why fix something when it wasn't broke before.
right after deleting new emails a bunch of new ones reappear that were hiding in the background what is that about. very frustrating needing to go back and delete more. and screen will not rotate please respond soon as possible.🤔
Anonymous commented
There was NO reason for this stupid change! I want to go to my mail,not see the news EVERY time I open AOL. I just want my emails that's it. I hate this new format!
Anonymous commented
go back to former format
John commented
can I give better detail than this e-mail format sucks!!!!!
Anonymous commented
what is it you don't understand?
Your app is inferior. susanjcallahan@aol.com I am not able to post and receive email at will. -
Jon Brown commented
after you move an email to a folder your in box gets very confused and selecting a mail to read after is very hot and miss- just opens one either side of what you actually select. the last of rotation is really a basic mistake - who ever decided to leave that out must never read mail on a phone.
Interestingly, rotation works here - which is just bizarre ! -
Don't care if known commented
New version of app is garbage AOL needs to stick to the basics for email.
Anonymous commented
Anonymous commented
fix autorotate in email aol application on Android phone
Toni Pittman commented
Go back to old Aol MAil format. This format is terrible. I will be changing to another email company if it is not changed.
Janice commented
Ugwoke John commented
I can't find my sent items folder
Bev commented
seems everyone hates the new format
L. B. Dillon commented
I have two AOL accounts and I wish that I didn't have to log out of one and log in to the other each time. Please let me login to both accounts and just check all of the mail at one time. Even better would be if they were displayed in different colors.
I see that others are also requesting the screen rotation feature.
Anonymous commented
I can not read my daily email without going into trash or old mail. WTH is going on. You are identified as a professional organization providing a product. A product which has failed to deliver promised services.
Anonymous commented
I only view whatever they put in as display name. I want to see the real address it came from before I open it. Thank you.
Jeanette commented
Go back to what you were. No woke propaganda.
Anonymous commented
Spam mail has gotten out of control....it comes to my new mail folder way too much lately