Old format so much better.
Old format was much easier to use. Was it really necessary to change?

Anonymous commented
siehe alle anderen Beiträge, die dasselbe fordern
Tricia Cobb commented
please print the truth!
Anonymous commented
AOL app won't let me click on any setting in the app, so I just can't login to my account won't load anything but error. that is it
Anonymous commented
I don't like this new Airy look either! What happened to the color choice? Now there's only six colors to choose from. The app looked better before and worked much better before all these changes were made.
Anonymous commented
No one likes the new look or the way it works so why don't you change it back???
Anonymous commented
Everyone wants this!
Anonymous commented
Why did you change it in the first place?
Anonymous commented
Anonymous commented
I agree!!!
Anonymous commented
Change it back!
Anonymous commented
Old look, please!
Anonymous commented
Or, actually, doesn't work, as the case may be.
There are so many requests to revert the app to the old look. And there have been from the start of this change. Why won't you please do something about it? And by "something" I mean change it back to the previous look/design. That one worked just fine. Please acknowledge your loyal customers.
Anonymous commented
Everything has changed especially trying to get into my email. I don't like that I have to tap 3x's to get the email. and then to delete them is so confusing and you can't get rid of the ads. And read all the emails you are getting. What fool did you let change it to that stupid format. I could go on forever but there isn't enough space.
mel commented
what do not understand about this effing request. you do live on this planet I hope .
Anonymous commented
see above
Anonymous commented
I need email only!
Anonymous commented
Return to old format!
Anonymous commented
Everything is bolder, can't get font right
Anonymous commented
really hard to follow the flow if the conversation with the new format. please return to the old.
gordon mcculloch commented
return to the old system, filing is so difficult