Old format so much better.
Old format was much easier to use. Was it really necessary to change?
Anonymous commented
Go back to the old format.
Anonymous commented
you need to fix the new software so that my drafts do not delete on their own. AOL tech can not fix. I have a. case #. when will you get back with me?
Anonymous commented
New format SUCKS!
Anonymous commented
Always breakdown, spinning wheel, no loading - the new app version sucks a lot
Linda commented
notifications delayed or wrong
Anonymous commented
I want to go back the old way to get all of my emails!
Anonymous commented
Where are the folders sent etc... all gone:(
Anonymous commented
Do not like new format. Want to return to my old format. How can I?
Anonymous commented
new format is awful
Reese commented
I do not like the new format as I can't read the emails until the tablet rotates. I prefer the old format. And the email format is harder to read.
Peter commented
cannot access all email folders
Partially sighted user here. running latest version of AOL app. Need option to enlarge text to see emails. How do I increase text size? I need words to wrap to the next line w/o pannin g.
Please don't forget about users like me. Every time you roll out a new version, I have to email you and remind you. It's the law...i have my attorney in speed di al.
Email headings don't show all the words. Your truncation isn't working well for me as cuts out too many words. Pls show full email title.
Pls make the default at startup email - not news.
According to Norton, this app has "high data usage". How do I flx th at?
Pls update your IT contact info listed in Google Play store. It bounces back to me. Why is it so hard to connect with you?
Note 5 user
Anonymous commented
I love the old format. It's so much more user friendly. I am not interested in anything outside of what I initiate on email.
Luanne commented
hate this format
hate no way to rotate or resize to a readable sized format on my computer instead of phone sized screen. -
Anonymous commented
want the old format back
DC commented
Many of my file folders have disappeared. Where are they and how do I get them back?
Dirk commented
die neue App ist komplett für die Tonne! geht gar nicht
Great Expectations Connection Group commented
I am no longer to access my groups in the app in order to send out group emails. This is a big problem, requiring me to obtain access to a desktop each time a group email is needed. Please fix this new glitch.
Desiree. commented
Go back to the old AOL
celeate commented