Old format so much better.
Old format was much easier to use. Was it really necessary to change?

Ed commented
New version not user friendly
Jessica Myers commented
my AOL accounts are constantly denying what I know to be my passwords!! and asking for a 4 digit pin. I've never had, nor been given the opportunity to create a pin. then I'm forced to pay monthly for tech support to fix your ***** up. it's a racket, and I'm sick of it.
Remettre le classement des mails avec les rubriques date, expéditeur, libellé
ANGELA SMITH commented
I would like to be able to see my AOL contact list in the app. I don't always want to take my computer with me. I would like to use my phone or my tablet.
Thank you,
Angie Smith
Smitha51@aol.com -
Anonymous commented
free or flee
Anonymous commented
Anonymous commented
when I go to reply and start writing, it goes down to the bottom of the page. I hate this!! then I have to scroll to the top wrote a few words and it did the same thing goes to the bottom of the page@
Anonymous commented
Fix mark as unread
Kelly Kelly commented
I want my old format back immediately!
Kel9395@aol.com -
Lavita commented
For clarity and less confusion, I suggest letting it be aim or AOL. Pick one or the other, I'm not picky. But when it's AOL and defaults to aim recipient are confused, so am I. What's my email?
Rhonda commented
Anonymous commented
AOL for iPhone allows complete customization of bottom tabs, including the removal of the "home" and "news" icons. AOL for Android does not. Please improve the customization options to allow Android to function the same way.
Anonymous commented
fix email reader
Larry Hines commented
Go back to the previous format!!
Robin Emery commented
Fix this app.
Anonymous commented
Folders missing after following AOLs instructions to fix.
Anonymous commented
why did you mess up the display so now I cant read it
Anonymous commented
fix screen rotate
C. Wright commented
E n a b l e R o t a t e !
Alex Holland commented
mail issues